Page 27 of Office Pet

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“What must you think of me?” If I were her, I would think I was a desperate slut.

“Let me see your face.”

I lifted my still flaming face until our eyes met. She tilted her head to one side and took me in from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

She nodded as she looked into my eyes. “What I think is that you’re a good choice for Kane. I’ve nagged him for the longest time to find someone. And, now he’s found you. You’re perfect. The right mix of sexy and submissive.”

I swallowed hard. “I’m still not really sure what I’m getting myself into, or what’s happening right now.”

“Right now, you and I have to have a little chat. Kane’s never taken a pet from the employee pool before. Come to my office, and I’ll explain more. From what he’s told me, he’s had his eye on you for a while. We have a few things to chat about before you see Mr. McKenzie.”

Melissa strode through the once concealed door, and I shuffled behind her feeling every bit as drab as I looked. My Anne Klein Goodwill ensemble seemed like a moth-eaten hand-me-down compared to Melissa’s chic outfit.

Once inside her office, I had to make an effort to stop my jaw from dropping open. The area was three times as big as my apartment. Sleek, streamlined furniture filled the space and abstract art filled the walls. She sat down on a plush gray sofa and patted the seat beside her.

“Come, sit, sweetie. I promise I don’t bite.” She gave what I could only describe as a tinkling laugh. “Well, most of the time.”

“Thanks.” Instead of sitting beside her, I positioned myself on the sofa opposite her and then sat on my hands. Otherwise, I would have fidgeted with my fingers and picked at my nails—a nervous habit I’d never been able to kick. A coffee table with a black folder and a pen placed in the center separated us.

“There’s no need to be so nervous,” Melissa said, trying to reassure me. “And there’s nothing to be so anxious about. You can stop looking like a deer caught in the headlights, but I understand that this must seem incredibly bizarre and overwhelming.”

“Just a little.” I nodded. “When Sloane said she was on her way up to talk to Kane, I was convinced he’d been playing a joke on me.”

“No joke. Miss Sloane needs to learn some manners. Little upstart. Girls like her think they can have anything they want. She’s a stuck-up cow. I don’t understand why her father insisted she work here, and I don’t understand why Kane agreed. She has more money than sense and doesn’t need to work a day in her life. Plus, no tits or ass.” Melissa gave a dramatic eye roll. “She seems to be a lights off, eyes closed kind of gal. Not the right fit for someone like Kane.”

“And I am? The right fit I mean?” I brought my hands around and folded them primly in my lap.

“You’re more than the right fit. And I’m so glad he decided you were the one. Thank God he was at the gallery on Friday night and thank God he got rid of Simon. He’s been a pain in my backside ever since he started working here.”

“From what Kane said, he knew Simon was taking me there. Agreeing to go anywhere with that jackass was a mistake. I had a lucky escape. I’ve already gone to the police, but it seems like he’s skipped town.”

“You were extremely lucky,” she said, followed by a grimace. “He’ll get his comuppance. Now let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“I’m sorry if I seem dumb and naïve, but can you please explain what I’m getting myself into?”

She slid the folder across the table. “I’m more than happy to explain everything, but before I do, I need you to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

I frowned and looked down at the coffee table. “Why do I have to sign an NDA?” I opened the folder and flicked through the pages not seeing what was on them.

“Kane is a billionaire with fingers in several pies. He’s a man with particular tastes, and he needs someone like you to fulfill those tastes. We must trust you won’t go running to the media or to any of his rivals with stories or insider information.”

“What do you mean by someone like me?”

“Someone who is open-minded and liberal.” She pursed her lips thoughtfully and then continued, “He said your video demonstration showed that’s exactly what you are. And he believes from what happened in the restroom on Friday, you know how to follow orders. He needs someone inexperienced but open to new things and eager to please.”

I bit my lower lip in contemplation. “I’d hardly call myself Snow White. I mean I’m not a virgin, I’ve had sex.”
