Page 36 of Back to You

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Honestly, men who had a problem with capable women had something wrong in their brains. He could watch Vivian do whatever it was she did all day. He had no idea what made a car go after “turn the key.” But she was just so darn capable.

He’d loved that even in high school. They’d been such equals.

Jamie had loved the girls who were all,Ooooohhhh, Jamie, look at your muscles.

That looked really tiresome even at fourteen.

Cam grinned to himself. He couldn’t help it that he’d picked the perfect girl practically since birth.

He sorted through some stock he’d put aside for projects like this until he found what he wanted and got his tools set up.

He had things moving, a happy buzz on—pun intended.

Wood puns were the best.

If he could get this done and the first protective coat on before Vivian came to get him, that was really the only thing that couldn’t be put aside.

Never break a promise to your mother.

"Whoa,”a voice came from the entryway of Cam's shop. “This is flipping amazing."

Cam closed his eyes a moment, wondering what idiot had walked past all of those Do Not Enter, Danger, and Please Ring the Bell signs he posted between his small shop out front and his workspace.

Come to think of it, the shop wasn’t even open. This kid had come through his private entrance to his home and walked into his workshop.

What in the world?

He turned around, pulling his gloves off as he did to study the young guy in his doorway.

"Can I help you?" Cam took another calming breath as he asked, patting himself on the back for not phrasing that as "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Yeah. I'm here about the internship." He stepped farther into the workshop, obviously not deterred by Cam’s glare any more than he had been by the multitude of signs. "This place kicks ass."

"Yes, there will be ass-kicking in here." Cam took another breath and decided maybe Vivian's habit of counting to ten would help him.

He got to four before he said screw it.

“Name four pieces Raymond Havester did for the state of Maine,” he said, trying to stay patient even though this guy was here ruining his flow.

He stared at Cam a long moment before opening his mouth.

“But I was told it was a done deal." He waved his hands around the area, trying to signal not just the internship but pretty much… what, Cam’s life?

Cam steered him back out to the private entrance.

“You failed. BigF. Your effort score is awful too, but I’ll give you aDfor coming up here. Now get out of my space, or I'll hit the speed-dial button to my deputy.”

Cam turned to head back inside, relieved when he heard the crunch of gravel as his uninvited guest walked in the other direction.

Before he reached the door, the kid had to open his mouth one more time.

“Whoa, who is that? And what do I need to do to get an internship working under her hood?”

Cam turned so fast he probably created centrifugal force.

“You will get off my property while showing some respect. Vivian is a flipping Valkyrie.”

He almost grabbed him by the arm, but instead, he stood, arms crossed as the kid crawled into a hand-me-down BMW and pulled out, waving a gesture at him he was glad Tyler wasn't around to see.

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