Page 65 of Back to You

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“She looks good.”Vivian watched the sleigh go by, a fresh splash of color after the complete restoration Cam and Emi had done.

Cam wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in. “We’re a good team because she sounds great too.”

The six weeks working together had tested their newfound acceptance of what could be. They argued. They planned around each other. They worked together and against each other’s schedules, but each of them secretly loved every moment of it.

Vivian rested her head on his shoulder, keeping an eye on Tyler where he was bopping along after Harry to get them all gelato.

“It’s going to be rough with you gone for the fall.”

This time they got back together by communicating and making sure the one leaving knew it wasn’t over—they were never over—and to come back.

“Right? But I can’t wait for you all to visit. My parents are already looking for a place for all of us and Tyler is going to get such a kick out of the trip.”

And that was another thing. Vivian was still fighting herself about boundaries, but Cam wasn’t pushing. Well, he was trying to not actively push.

It was obvious how he felt about Tyler, but he hadn’t mentioned it. He just kept being there, being perfect for them.

She was going to miss him so much.

“And we’ll video chat every day. And Emi is going to stick around to keep the shop open and work with Tyler on his drawings.”

See? Just absolutely perfect.

“But.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Nothing will keep me from coming back as soon as I can. Nothing will ever keep us apart again. I’ll always find you even if I come back and you’ve taken off to South America.”

It was the thing she most needed to hear.

Not that he loved her, she knew that. Not that he’d care for her and Tyler, even though she could do that herself.

But that he’d never, no matter the circumstances, leave her locked out and alone again. He’d done his best before and now he was a man who would move any obstacle to get to her.

Or so he’d said.

And she believed him with her whole soul.

“You were right about something.” She turned and looked up into the face she never really stopped dreaming about. “The love? It never stopped. And it never will. I’ll love you until forever.”

And right there in front of the town, he kissed her.



Noah clearedthe table and watched the last couple walk out after his lunch break.

It was a nice day, one of the last before the kids headed back to school and the famous New England “Indian summer” he’d fallen in love with started to show its face. He may be a transplant from the outside, but his soul was all Maine. All Starlight Harbor.

He was just thinking of walking over and throwing the closed sign a little early, when the three gentlemen walked into the café and turned it themselves, locking the door behind them.

Where Noah had grown up, that would have signaled some bad crap about to go down.

Of course, he wasn’t sure that wasn’t true here too—just maybe in a more emotional manipulation type of way.

These guys were easily as intimidating as his drill sergeant.

But there was no point in dodging them. Especially since they’d just locked themselves in his café uninvited.

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