Page 64 of Back to You

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“What?” she challenged him, figuring he had smartassery to say also.

“Nothing.” He put his hand around the same bar, just above hers but not touching. She could feel the heat, but not the actual skin or calluses on those long, lean fingers.

“Nothing?” She was trying not to get frustrated here. “You’re just leaving the country and it’s nothing?”

“Well…” Cam’s neck was getting red as he struggled for words. “There’s no point in my staying here. I’ve got things to do, places to visit.”

“Like Scotland.”

“Yes. I’m sure it’s going to be a grand adventure.”

“Yup. Probably.” She glanced sideways up at him. “Tyler always wanted to see Scotland.”

She watched him swallow, then give a sharp nod.

“We’ve been saving up to do something special. Maybe we could go there too.”

“It’s a big country.”

“Actually—” Jonathan started from the other side of the row.

“Not now, Jon-Jon.” Cam’s gaze never left her own.

“Or maybe we could do something when you come back,” she pushed, knowing what his plan was.

Cam finally glanced away, blinking.

She let the silence grow until there wasn’t another way to do this.

She let go of the bar, walked over to Jonathan’s side, and waved him over. As soon as he was in grabbing distance, she snatched his shirt and pulled him into the bars. He was so surprised that he fell into them.

“You, your whole family, owe me. And because of that, you’re going to go sit on that little cot over there and cover your ears and hum to yourself. Otherwise, they will never find the body with how far I will bury you at sea. Do you understand me?”

His eyes grew wide and he stared down at her for a moment. When she quirked an eyebrow, he nodded and backed away until he was on the far side of his cell.

When she turned back to Cam, he had the stupidest grin on his face she’d ever seen. And that was saying something.

She stepped back up to his side and lowered her voice again, more than a little surprised that Jonathan was actually humming and he’d pickedPoker Face.

“I have some things I want to say to you.” She waited until he nodded. “I’m going through an… adjustment. I’m finding out things that make truths from the past lies. That my beliefs about you and my own history might not be as cut and dry as I’d thought.”

He gave another small nod.

“That doesn’t mean I’m not scared to death of you. Literally, I think. I think loving you again could nearly kill me if it went wrong. But—”

She took a deep breath, not sure what else to do.

“But since I already love you, it’s more love-you-and-hurt-alone or love-you-and-learn-to-trust-us. Both are really scary. Both could leave me broken. But I’m standing here, looking at the man you’ve become, finding out about the boy you actually were, and I know one thing.”

“What’s that?” Cam asked in a hushed voice.

“That there’s no one who deserves my trust more than you and you already have my love.” She watched a tear slide down her guy’s cheek as he ignored it, so focused on her. “And how can I not put complete trust in a man who was willing to leave the freaking country to keep a promise to me?”

“You can’t. I mean, it’s a rule, right?” He slid his hand down and covered hers. “And now, look at that, you’re stuck with me.”


Two Months Later
