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MY PHONE RANG SOMETIMEduring the night. Or maybe it was morning already. I rolled over, my body stiff but relaxed. So damn relaxed.

Reaching for my pants, I picked them up off the floor and fished out my cell. “Yeah,” I said, slumping back down onto the bed.


My eyes widened. I sat up. “Mom? Is everything okay?”

“Oh yes.” She sighed. “Everything’s fine. So damn fine. Your dad is coming home today. I just wanted to let you know that. He was giving the nurses a hard time, saying that he would get more rest if he was at home with me.”

“Oh, thank God.” I moved to the edge of the bed, dropping my head in my hands. “I’m glad.”

“You and me both. Are you home?”

“No.” I glanced back at Luna’s sleeping form. “I didn’t want to go home or to the city, just in case something happened, so Luna and I rented a motel room.” And I spent the night making love to her. Love. I told her I was in love with her. A grin broke out on my face.

“Oh okay.” Mom hesitated.

“What is it?” I dropped my hand to my lap. “Mom?”

“It’s nothing really. Or maybe it is. I don’t know anymore. But just…be careful. I love Luna. And I love her for you. But I worry. Stone is overbearing and with good reason. It has to do with what happened to her real mom. I just don’t want you to get hurt. That’s all.”

“I…” I glanced back at Luna again. Her back rose and fell but she didn’t stir. Rising from the bed, I went into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. “I feel like you’re warning me about something.”

“I don’t want to step in where I shouldn’t, but I feel like…Stone is a good guy. I love him like a brother. He’s family. But you are my son. And Luna is his daughter. Just like him, I will gut a bitch who hurts you.”

“Somehow, I’m not surprised there,” I mumbled, leaning against the counter. “Are you telling me to step aside?” I didn’t want to. Hell, I told Luna how I felt last night. There was no way either of us could go back to the way things were after that.

“No. God no. Just be prepared that if Stone butts his nose in, it could cause more problems. Luna might…she might have to make a choice.”

“Fuck,” I muttered. “I mean…sorry.”

“Don’t apologize for swearing, Zach. Not this time. Listen, I know you’ve been pushing people away whenever they get too close. You did it to me and your father as a boy.”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Zach, I get it. I really do. When your father and I first got together, something happened that forced him to push me away as well. He needed time to heal and I could only do so much. But honestly, even though what he went through was fucking hell for him, I think it made us stronger in the end.”

I didn’t know the full extent as to what had happened to him, but I knew it involved another woman. “Stone scares the fuck out of me,” I confessed.

“Honestly, I’d be more worried about Creena.” Mom laughed lightly. “But I understand that. He wouldn’t be doing his job as a father if he didn’t scare you.”


“The only thing you can do is let Luna in. Prove to her and her father, that you are worth it. That you are enough for her. But you also have to believe that yourself.”

“You know me way too fucking well,” I mumbled.

“I have to go and help your dad get ready so I can take him home but please take heed in what I said.”

“I will. I’ll head to the city tonight so you two can have some time alone.”

“I love you, Zach. I think you need to talk to Luna.”

Great. “Love you too, Mama.”

We said our goodbyes and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, my mother was right. Luna loved me. I knew she loved me. But she also loved her dad. I just wasn’t sure if our relationship was strong enough to withstand whatever came next.

Deciding to take a shower, I stepped beneath the hot spray just as the door to the bathroom opened.
