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“Holy shit, girl.”

My head whipped around. I squealed when I realized who was standing at the door.

Piper Michaels laughed, closed the distance between us, and pulled me into a hard hug.

“How are you? When did you get back? Your parents must have missed you something fierce. It’s been way too long.”

She giggled at my badgering of questions. “I’m good. I got back last night and yes, they missed me but also understood that I had to come see my favorite people. God, I’ve missed you girls.”

I wasn’t sure how Piper did it, but she convinced her parents, Maxine and Dale, to let her backpack across Europe for the past three months for her birthday.

“But how areyou?” She spun me around. “You look good. You’ve lost weight.”

“You think so?” I had always been curvy thanks to my father’s cooking and Meadow’s constant baking. But I decided in the last year to become more active, so I took up running.

“Girl, Zach is going to eat you up when he sees you in this.”

My head snapped up. “Why would he care?”

She laughed. “We all know you’ve had a crush on him for years. But I heard you’re becoming closer.” She winked.

“Gigi has a big mouth,” I muttered.

“I heard that,” Gigi yelled from the hallway.

“You were supposed to,” I called back.

We all laughed.

“Tell me about your trip,” I told Piper, hooking my arm in hers and leading her out of my room.

“It was so good.” Her cheeks reddened. “Really good.”

I paused in my steps, forcing her to stop beside me. “How good?”

“Uh…” She coughed, a light laugh leaving her. “I met someone. I don’t want to talk about it just yet but…” She shrugged. “Anyway. Don’t tell the twins. I need to talk to them still.”

“I won’t.” I searched her face.

She averted my gaze.

“Well, I can’t wait to hear about everything you saw,” I said, changing the subject.

She glanced my way, a grin spreading on her face. “I’ve never taken so many pictures in my life.”

I laughed. “Come outside with me. I’m going to soak up this sun while I can.”

She nodded, telling me about the food she ate, the sights she saw, and the places she went to.

As I listened to her tell me all about her trip, I couldn’t help but wonder how it would go with the twins. She was the only girl Ashton and Aiden dropped everything for. They enjoyed threesomes and were not discreet about their exploits. Piper was their best friend, but we all knew it went beyond that. But we also knew that Piper wasn’t into it as much as the guys were. I had a feeling the person she met on her trip, had something to do with this, whether she liked to admit it or not.

I left Piper in the house and headed out to the backyard. Grabbing one of the loungers, I took off my cover up.

Resounding whistles erupted around me.

I laughed. “Thanks guys.”

“You look good girl.” Gigi handed me a bottle of water.
