Page 61 of Noble Intent

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When the driver pulls up to the hotel, I tell him to wait because I have one more stop to make. I help Becka out of the car, while she holds hands with a more composed Elise, although her eyes are still red-rimmed from crying.

“I gotta run a quick errand. Why don’t you spend some more time with Elise until I get back?”

“That would be great actually. I know she’s going to want some alone time eventually to fully decompress, but the big sister in me isn’t quite ready to leave her alone.”

I give her another kiss—fighting against every urge in my body to make it more—and the spare key to my suite, so we can meet there later, and then get back in the car. Once the girls walk through the sliding double doors of the hotel, I turn to my driver.

“Take me to the best jeweler in Vegas.”

* * *

I pace the floor of my suite waiting for Becka to return from Elise’s room, the ring I just dropped an insane amount of money on burning a hole in my pocket. I called her as soon as I got back, and she said she’d be right up, but that was ten minutes ago.

What’s taking her so long?

I’m antsy and dying to pour my heart out to her. I even wrote her a song in the car—the words coming to me swiftly and more clearly than any song I’ve ever written—but I thought that might be cheesy, so instead the lyrics are tucked in my pocket, and I’ll save it as a surprise for later. I hear the buzz of the lock before the door swings open and in walks the absolute love of my life.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

How the hell did I get so lucky?

Unable to stop myself, I move toward her and pull her into my arms, my lips finding hers in a salacious kiss. She moans softly and then wraps her arms tighter around me. Our tongues duel for dominance, and I know if I let this kiss continue, we’ll be naked in no time and there’s something much more important I want to do first.

Breaking the kiss, I step back slightly but still keep Becka in my arms. Her green eyes are slightly dazed and unfocused, and I love that I do that to her.

“I love you, Becka.”

Her lips tilt up at the corners, and her eyes go soft. “I love you too, Trent. I know I’ve already said it once today, but thank you for following me here, for knowing what I needed even when I didn’t.”

“I’ll follow you anywhere. Always.” I place my hands on the side of her neck and tilt her head up so she’s looking at me. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll prove it to you.”

My heart speeds up until it’s a stampede of rhinos in my chest, but I feel more excitement than nerves. She might think I’m completely crazy, but I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I pull the ring box out of my pocket and get down on one knee. Her hands immediately cover her mouth, and her eyes go wide.

“Oh my God, Trent, what are you doing?”

I take her left hand and hold it tight. “I’m in this, Becka. I want to do life with you. The good and bad, the highs and lows. I want it all, but only with you. Only ever with you. I belong to you, Becka. I’m yours. You own me heart, body, and soul, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes fill with tears as she stares at me in shock, but then her lips tilt up slightly and she whispers, “Oh my God, I must be crazy.” And I know what her answer will be.

She nods her head once and then lets out a laugh and wraps her arms around my neck. “Yes,” she whispers in my ear. “We’re probably certifiably insane, but my answer is yes.”

“There’s no one else I’d rather be insane with.”

She laughs again and then I slide the ring on her finger, and it feels real. She’s going to be my wife. This isn’t just a dream.

“Let’s get married now.”

“What?” she asks breathlessly.

“Let’s do it here, in Vegas. There are a ton of places on the strip, and I don’t want to wait. I mean, if you want a big fancy wedding then we can of course wait, but I want to be married to you. I want the whole world to see your ring on my finger and know I’m taken.”

“I thought you weren’t that reckless rock star anymore.”

“This isn’t being reckless. I love you, Becka. I spent eight months without talking to you, seeing you, touching you, and they were the worst eight months of my life. I’ve known since the moment I held you in my arms again that you were it for me. So why wait? Why wait to start my life with the woman of my dreams when I could start it right now? Jump with me, Becka. Take a risk. I won’t let you fall. I’ll spend every day of my life proving my vows to you. Say yes. Say you’ll marry me, here, today, and we can start our lives together knowing we’re in this together. Partners for life.”

“But what about your brother? Won’t he want to be here? And my family will be so mad at me if I get married without them.”

“Forget about everyone else for a second. Do you want to get married today?”
