Page 36 of Forbidden Intent

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I pause, thinking about it.“He’s not overt about it, but he has this underlying strength—this steel core about him.He knows what he wants, and he goes for it, but without being domineering or an asshole about it like some guys.You know the ones—the guys who screamdominantfrom a mile away and never smile or show weakness.Miles isn’t like those guys.He’s laid-back and easygoing, but then there’s this other layer to him that’s confident, sure, and one hundred percent in control.”

“Hmm,” she murmurs as she puts one final bobby pin in to hold a tendril of hair back.“Sounds kinda sexy.”

“You have no idea.”My nerves that were briefly replaced by my sexual frustration stir in my belly once again.“It’s why I’m wondering why he hasn’t made a move.Is he not interested?”

My jaw drops as realization dawns, and I spin around in my chair to face Rikki.“Oh my God, have I been friend-zoned?”

Her eyes go wide.“No way.Come on, Tamsin, he’s into you.”

“Is he?Let’s face it, he’s not made a move.One of thesupposedly”—I make air quotes—“most sexually notorious guys in rock and roll and he’s left me a peck on the lips each night.A fucking peck!”

I spin back to face my reflection in the mirror more certain than ever.I’m both horribly sad and beyond pissed off at the reality of my situation.He’s been my sexual awakening and I’m just, what?A passing fancy?Someone to hang out with so he’s not bored?

Fuck that.

“If he doesn’t make a move tonight, I’m done.”

“What if he’s just trying to move slow because of your history?”She’s asked this question more than once, and five dates ago I would’ve agreed.But not anymore.It’s time to be practical and face facts, whether I like them or not.

His front door swings open and he stands there in a pair of well-worn jeans and a tight black T-shirt, his feet bare and a white dish towel thrown over his shoulder.My mouth waters and I fight the urge to rub up against him, even though my body physically aches from the lack of touch.I’ve never felt this needy before, and it’s both confusing and liberating.If only he looked as tortured.

I pass by him, closer than I normally would, and am disappointed when he takes a noticeable step back.But my disappointment doesn’t last long before it quickly morphs to anger.Seriously?Now he’s purposefully moving away from me?My feet stomp against the hardwood floors as I storm into the living room, my anger rising until it’s a steady boil through my veins.

“You okay?”he asks from behind me.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and then turn around to glare at him.“Am I okay?Are you fucking serious right now?”

His brows furrow and his rich brown eyes that still give me butterflies—albeit angry butterflies right now—fill with concern.“Uh, yeah.Did you have a bad day?”His stance changes like he’s getting ready to defend my honor.“Was it that douchebag professor again?”

His reaction only serves to piss me off more.“No, it wasn’t my fucking professor.It’s you!”

His head reels back in surprise.“What?”

“What is this to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are we just friends?”

He crosses his arms and stares at me like he’s trying to figure out what best to say.

“Well?”I ask, my patience completely gone.

“Is that what you want?”he asks, his tone unreadable.

I cross my arms and mirror his stance.“I asked you first.”

“Have I done something to make you think I only want to be friends with you?”

“It’s more what you haven’t done that’s the problem.”

One of his eyebrows arches, and I catch the minute tilt of the corner of his mouth in what looks like amusement.

“And what exactly is it you want me to do?”

My mouth parts, but no words spill out like I expected.Instead, I continue to stare at him, wishing he could read my mind.I’m not used to asking for what I want when it comes to physical stuff with guys.This is harder than I thought it would be.

My shoulders sag and I shift on my feet, losing all the steam I stormed in here with.Miles drops his hands loosely by his side and takes a step closer to me.His voice is seductive and low when he speaks.“Tamsin.Tell me what you want me to do.”
