Page 37 of Forbidden Intent

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“I can’t,” I whisper, feeling defeated and suddenly sad.Why am I like this?Why can’t I just tell him what I want?I had no problem verbalizing it with my best friend earlier tonight.Why is it now when I’m in front of him and we could actually make some damn progress that I lose my nerve?

His hands reach up slowly, his gaze never leaving mine and signaling that he’s giving me enough time to move away before he touches me.I don’t.I wait, bracing for his touch—the one thing I’ve become so desperate for.When his hands cup my face, my eyes close as sweet relief washes over me.

“You can,” he says, his voice strong and sure but his volume still low and soothing.

I move to shake my head, but his hands tighten slightly, not allowing me to.The restraint should have me stiffening up, but instead it sends a tingle through my belly.

“Tell me,” he demands.

“Touch me,” I whisper and watch as his lips quirk up in a smile.

“I am.”

“Not enough.”

“Did it ever occur to you that I was leaving the ball in your court?”he asks as his thumb rubs small circles on the edge of my jaw, building that tingle to a slow burn.

“That’s a bad idea.I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“But only you know when you’re ready.”He leans down so we’re eye to eye.“I told you from the beginning that I wasn’t going to push you.”

“Well, clearly you’re stronger than I am, and this hasn’t been driving you crazy.”

He laughs.“I wouldn’t go that far.I don’t think I’ve jacked off this much since high school.”

My eyes widen.“What?”

“Trust me when I tell you that you’re definitely not the only one struggling.”

“So, you do want me?”I ask, almost afraid to hope.

His brown gaze seems to pierce my soul.“More than you could possibly know.I’ve been dying to touch you.”

Smiling and finding some confidence, I ask, “Does that mean I can touch you too?”

“Baby Girl, you never have to ask to put your hands on me.”

Feeling suddenly brave, I reach out and slide my hand up his forearm to his exposed bicep.His eyes close and he lets out a soft sigh—so soft I probably wouldn’t have heard it if his house wasn’t so quiet.I do the same thing on the other arm and fight back a smile when I see small goose bumps pepper his skin.

“Miles,” I whisper, convinced my voice will give away the tension in my body if I talk much louder.

“Yeah?”he whispers back, his voice gruff and his head dipping until we’re only a breath apart.His eyes are now filled with a heat I’ve only seen one other time—right before our first kiss.

Hopefully tonight, we’ll move beyond that.

“Kiss me,” I plead.

“It’s about damn time,” he says right before his mouth drops down on mine in a kiss so intense it sucks the breath straight from my lungs.His tongue plunders my mouth as my hands roam frantically over every inch of his body I can reach.The sensation of exploring another person like this barely registers because I’m so overwhelmed by how badly I need him.

His fingers slide across my jaw before delving into my hair and gripping it just enough to angle my head exactly where he wants it.Moaning into his mouth, I shove my hands into his hair and grip his chocolate-brown strands, holding him tightly to me.He groans, and the reverberation shoots straight to that pulsing nub between my thighs that has never felt so needy before.

He pulls back just enough to look in my eyes.“Tamsin, we need to slow down.”

“I don’t want to,” I say.Surprisingly, it’s the truth.I feel like I’m about to lose my mind if I don’t get some relief, and I know he’s the only one who can give it to me.“Please, Miles,” I beg, not entirely sure what I’m begging for but needing it, nonetheless—more importantly, needing him, any which way I can have him.

He groans again before gently tugging on my hair and diving down to kiss me again.Our lips dance together like they’re two puzzle pieces that go together.It’s doing nothing to cool the fire of desire in my belly.He slides his hands down my back and over my ass before he bends down, grips my thighs, and lifts me up.Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist.A burst of air leaves my lungs as I let out a moan at the new pressure on that spot between my legs.In this position, his impossibly hard erection is rubbing perfectly against my clit over my clothes.Enough to send shivers all through my body as I fight the urge to grind my hips.

I’ve never felt so sex starved as I do in this moment.
