Page 147 of Broken

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With him.

Not for him.

Katrina didn’t correct his language, though, as her heart and mind wrestled over his request.


And her heart won the battle.

She was officially employed at Cade’s.


“Okay,” Judith saidas she opened the door, greeting Katrina, “you’ve worked with him for a week. Seriously, how is it going?”

“Hi. Nice to see you. Welcome to family dinner night,” Katrina countered with sarcasm and a smile. “I didn’t see Justin’s car out there.”

“Work emergency. Looks like it’s just you and me. C’mon in and spill the tea! Have you been screwing like bunnies?”

Katrina’s face flamed as she thought of their one afternoon in his apartment, the same place he’d be leaving as soon as he found a suitable two-bedroom home. “It’s not like that,” she explained, taking a seat on the couch. “It’s just work. It’s crunching numbers and making sure invoices are getting paid. Nothing sexy about that.”

“So, you two aren’t you two?”

Katrina shook her head as Judith sat beside her. “No. We...well, I suppose we’d starting dating, but it didn’t work out.”

“You wouldn’t know that by the way you look at each other.” Judith offered a tight smile. “Listen, I know it’s not my place, but...intimacy, especially sex, after what he’s been through, is a big deal. Sometimes it takes a lot to break down those barriers, and—”

“We have,” Katrina finally admitted. “But it was obviously a mistake.”

“I knew it! It was at that hole in the wall he lives in, wasn’t it? This totally calls for wine. Red or white? Scratch that question. It’s a red wine night.”

Katrina sat back with a sigh, wondering if she was doing the right thing confiding in Judith. She’d certainly helped Katrina with knowing how to approach Lorenzo, with reminding her that if he pulled away, it wasn’t her fault.

Except this time, it was.

It was all about a little girl whose smile lit up an entire room and bore a hole into Katrina’s heart.

“Miranda thinks you are the Queen Shit, in a good way,” Judith commented as she walked in and handed Katrina’s wine to her before taking her seat again.

“She does, huh?” was all Katrina could say.

“That’s the problem, isn’t it? His daughter, I mean.”

Katrina took a sip of her wine as she contemplated yet again whether confiding in Judith was wise.
