Page 66 of Broken

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With a resigned sigh, Katrina stood to go.

“We’ll talk soon,” he said to her, and she forced a smile.

“Of course.”

And as she walked away, she left another piece of her heart behind.


Sketches and noteswere splayed about Katrina’s living room floor and coffee table as she and Judith poured over design ideas. It had been nearly two weeks since his accident, nearly two weeks of having Lorenzo at least partially in the picture. She’d done her best to avoid the ache in her chest, but somehow it had returned.

“You know him best,” Judith said as she took a drink of her beer. “Which one of these designs do you think he’ll go for?”

Katrina frowned. “I really don’t know him well anymore.”

“That’s fine, I’ll be doing quotes for all of them. Did you get that shade of red I sent to your inbox?”

“Yeah. Here.” Katrina turned her laptop to face Judith, who nodded.

“That’s perfect. He will love all of this, or I will redo it until he does.”

“Determined to get your puppy,” Katrina said with her smile returning.

“Damn straight. Where the hell is my husband? He’s supposed to bring more beer. I can’t believe you only had two in your fridge.”

“Well, we’re normally at your place.”

“Yes, but if we’re here and we finish, we can have Lorenzo come over. That way he’ll be at your home, and you can finally get to know him again. You know, the way you look at each other is the same way you used to.”

Katrina shook her head. “No, it isn’t.”

“Keep telling yourself that, honey.” Judith took another drink, finishing off her beer. “I want to get this cleaned up before the pizza gets here. Can I just say it’s about time you hosted a family night?”

Katrina opened her mouth to protest but found she couldn’t. Judith was right; Katrina had never invited Justin and Judith over for a family night of any kind. “I’m sorry,” she finally said. “I should have. That was rude of me.”

“Yes, it was, but the longer you’re away from Emily, the more you see straight. But what was up with you never inviting us before?”

“I honestly didn’t think about it.” She’d poured herself into her work for years, rarely having anyone over at her place. She’d always gone to Timothy’s or gone out with Emily somewhere rather than have them over. Was there a reason behind her isolation when it came to her home? She wasn’t sure. And now neither Timothy nor Emily was really in her life—one because he couldn’t deal with Lorenzo being in the picture, and the other...well, she wasn’t sure with Emily. She’d said she wanted to talk, but Katrina was holding onto the hope that she’d get Lorenzo’s version of the events first.

It had yet to happen.

“Speaking of design,” Judith continued, “you could use a little something in here to make it look like a home. There aren’t any pictures out, even.”

“I know,” Katrina said with a sigh. Every time she’d pulled out her boxes of pictures, there would be the reminder of the boy who’d hurt her so immensely that it made it hard for her to love again.

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