Page 1 of One More Night

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Juliet shakes her head.“This was supposed to be one night only.”

I run my nose along hers and cup her face in my hands. “Yeah? Well, I don’t follow rules, remember?”

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “One more night?”

I flash her a smile. “Or maybe two.” It isn’t a question.

“But one more won’t be enough, will it?”

“Probably not,” I whisper, inching my lips closer to hers.

“What happens after then?” She asks, her breath hitching.

“Does that mean you’re agreeing to another night with me?” I smile and flick my tongue over the seam of her lips.

Her shoulders go slack, and she lets her head lull back in my hands. “You didn’t answer me, Reed. What happens after?”

If she’s expecting me to say anything less than more, she’s wrong. In her head, she isn’t worthy of being worshiped like the goddess she is. And if one night didn’t change her view, then I’ll give her a million fucking more. If she’ll let me.

“Whatever we want, sweet girl,” I whisper.

Before she can reply, I push my lips against hers and swallow the words she was about to say with a kiss. Skating my hands to her hips, I grip her hard and pull her body into mine. Her hands find my hair and tug, forcing me to cock my head so she can deepen our kiss.

When she pushes her tongue into my mouth, I let out a moan, then separate our lips. “One more, Juliet. Give me one more night.” I can hear the desperation in my voice, and honestly, I couldn’t give a fuck less.

I want her—over and over again.

She inhales deeply through her nose and then drops her hold on me. “Fine.” She holds up her hand to cut me off before I can speak again. “But I have conditions.”

I take a step back and cross my arms over my chest. The way she’s standing, her hip popped out to the side, her hand in the air, and complete seriousness on her face makes me smile. “I’m listening.”

“I need a shower and some rest.”

I nod. “You can get both at my place.”

She shakes her head and motions down her body. “Nope. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough with all the hair and my granny panties. But, if we’re going to do this again, I want to be more prepared. Plus, I need to feed my cat.”

I shrug and give her a half-smile. “Oh, I’ll feed your cat, and I fucking loved the panties.”

Rolling her eyes, she pushes my shoulder. “I’m serious, Reed.”

“Fine.” I step closer to her again. “You go home, do whatever you feel the need to do, and feed your cat. Then I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Her brown eyes look up into mine. “You don’t know where I live.”

I cup her neck and let my fingers tangle into the hair at its nape. “But you’re going to tell me.”

Her eyelids flutter closed, and it makes my dick twitch. I love how responsive her body is to my touch. “Meadow Circle apartments off Sixth Avenue. I’m in Thirty-two A.”

I smile and press a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth. “Thirty-two A,” I repeat.

She gives me a quick nod when I let go before retrieving her bag from behind the counter. I follow her out, then grab the money I left with my driver as she locks up. When I turn back around, she’s already across the parking lot, hitting the fob to her car.

“Juliet!” When she looks over her shoulder, I hold up the envelope.

She smiles as she opens the door to her car. “I’ll get it tonight.”
