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“I’m sorry,” I say, my voice shaky.

Jagger finds a spot in the darkness, off the side of the highway down a dirt track and turns the truck off. He spins on me, eyes wild. “When I say I’m going to be staying with you to protect you, I’m not fucking joking. I’m not doing it for fun, Willow, I’m doing it to keep you alive. What the fuck were you thinking?”

Anger bubbles in my chest.

I fucked up, sure. But it’s only because he drove me to it.

“You’re joking, right?” I snap back. “You are the one that came into my house, drunk, which by the way you still are, and decided to tell me you were at a god damned strip club. I’m a woman, a woman with feelings, and you decided to stomp all over those because you can’t handle what’s going on here.”

“What’s going on here?” he laughs, bitterly. “Do share.”

I can’t take a single second more of this.

I lose it.

I completely lose it.

“You know what, Johnny,” I scream, reaching over the seat and slapping him right across the fact, “Fuck you. Fuck everything about you. You’re an abusive prick and I’m done trying to figure out why the hell I have any sort of feeling towards you. You took me from my life and I’m still here letting you control everything I do. I’m so sick of your mental games. You say I’m playing? The only person who can’t get their shit together in this situation is you. You’re a fucking broken piece of glass and I’m about to stomp you down until you shatter into a million pieces because I’m sick to death of trying to figure out if I can glue them back together. You want to fuck with me, fine, go ahead. I’m not going to stop you anymore, but know this, if you so much as lay a fucking hand on me again, I’ll shoot you right in your god damned head. Either man up and face your feelings or stay the hell away from me.”

I finish up with a gasp of air, my hands trembling with rage. Outside, rain pours down on the windshield, but I don’t take my eyes off his.

I expect a reaction, of course.

But the reaction I get isn’t the one I was waiting for.

“Are you done?”

I nod, turning to face the front. “Yep.”

“Good, now it’s my turn. You’re right, I am broken. So fuckin’ broken some days I don’t even know my own mind. It terrifies me that I don’t know every single part of who I am, but it’s how it is. You weren’t meant to matter, fuck, not even a little bit. But you do. You do matter and I’m so fuckin’ tired of tryin’ to figure out why that is. You’re a god damned pain in my ass, but those weeks without you were the hardest of my life. You want me to man up, Willow? I’ll man up. I want you so fuckin’ bad that most days I forget how to think. Is that man enough for you?”

I stare at him and then I lunge.

Without thought I toss off my seatbelt and throw myself over the chair and onto his lap. My mouth smashes down on his, every answer I’ve been holding in coming out during that kiss. He growls and wraps his arms around me, kissing me until we’re both panting and desperate for more. He pulls back, eyes hungry, voice hoarse. “Much as I’d love to finish this, we have to get out of here. It’s not safe.”

“At home then,” I murmur, grazing his lips with mine.

“At home.”

I don’t know what this means, but my god...I’m ready to find out.


We return home and after a few phone calls, Jagger tells me we’re safe for now. Then, we retreat to the shower because my god, I can’t wait a second longer to have him. The moment we’re alone, naked, in the shower and the warm water is on us, I’m on my knees, cock in hand, ready to make him beg. I want to taste him. I want him in my mouth, hard and hot while he groans above me. His head falls back onto the tiled wall as I side my tongue around his throbbing cock. His groaning is erotic, and I love to tease him. He deserves it after tonight.

“Fuck baby, suck me.”

I snake my tongue out and lick the glistening head of his cock, he growls and thrusts his hips forward, but I don’t take him in my mouth.

“Fuck, don’t play with me.”

“Say please.”


I lick him again, causing a ragged groan to escape his lips.

“Say please,” I order, teasing him some more.

“No. Fuck...”

“Say it,” I murmur, running my tongue up and down, “and I’ll suck this beautiful cock.”

“Fuck. Please. Suck me. Now.”
