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“Wipe that grin off your face, you animal,” I laugh.

“I should get shot more often.”

I give him a deadly look.

He yawns.

“Old man needs a nap after that?”

“Shut up,” he murmurs.

“You should get some rest.”

He nods and leans back down into the pillows, closing his eyes.

“I’ll come by again later,” I murmur, leaning down and kissing his mouth.

“Alright, night little girl,” he rasps.

“It’s not night, handsome.”

He grins, keeping his eyes closed. I lean in and kiss him again, “Good day, Jagger.”

THE FUNERAL IS AWFUL. My mother sobs loudly and clings to me, putting on a show that is fit for the best actors out there. I try hard to keep everything together. Jenny avoids her at all costs, the two of them having a relationship that is far beyond strained. When the coffin is lowered into the ground, I turn to my sister and hug her close.

It’s over. It’s really over.

Sarah tells my mother it’s time to go and she turns to Jenny and I, her face scrunched as she takes us in. I know she’s going to open her mouth and make even more of a scene, but I’m not going to take it. Not here. Not today.

“When will you two girls come and visit me more?”

Jenny looks away.

“We need time,” I say, my voice careful. “Things aren’t easy right now.”

Her distraught green eyes meet Jenny’s. “You forgave him, when will you forgive me?”

“Don’t do this now,” Jenny says gently. “I didn’t forgive him. I didn’t even get to speak to him. I’m not sure how I feel, but right now, I need space.”

“You two are as selfish as ever,” she snaps.

“Come on, let’s get you back,” Sarah says, taking my mom’s hand.

“This isn’t over,” she tells us both as she is pulled back to the car. “You two girls are going to come and speak to me, and we’re going to sort this out.”

When she’s gone, Jenny takes my hand, and we all make the journey back home. The funeral was small, basically just enough to do the right thing by him and ensure he got the burial he needed. When we return, Jagger is in the kitchen already making me a drink. He’s all kinds of good. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

“Are you ok?” he asks, handing it to me as he pulls me closer to him.

I nod. “I’m just glad it’s over.”

“I bet you are.”

He leans down, kissing me in a way that makes me weak at the knees. A knock at the door sounds out just as he pulls away. I stare at Ava, and she shrugs, so I let go and walk over to see who it is. When I open it, I’m faced with a very beautiful woman. She’s tall, with white blond hair and big brown eyes. She’s quite possibly one of the most attractive women I’ve ever laid eyes on. She smiles at me, and I return it, wondering who she is?

“Holy shit,” I hear Angel breathe from behind me. “What the fuck?”

“Angel, oh, it’s you...I can’t believe it.”

Who is this woman?

Her eyes move past him and the expression on her face is enough to have me turning to see what she’s looking at. Jagger is standing a few meters behind me holding a glass, and as though in slow motion, it slides from his hand and smashes on the floor. His eyes are red and glassy. Is Jagger crying? What the hell is going on? He chokes out some incoherent words and before I know it, the woman is shoving past me. She rushes towards him and throws herself into his arms.

I watch in utter horror and confusion as he wraps his arms around her and buries his face into her neck. My stomach turns and it feels like the world just slowly stops. Ava is standing beside me, I don’t even know how she got there, her expression as confused as mine. When the two finally pull apart, Jagger looks her over. Maybe she’s a good friend or something?

“You’re alive. This is a fuckin’ dream. What the hell is going on?”


“I have been in protection. It’s a long story, but I’m safe now. I’m safe. I’m home, baby. I’m home. The last three years of my life have been the hardest I’ve ever experienced, I never thought I’d get to see you again and now I can...”

“I thought you were dead,” he says, his voice low and raspy. “I thought you were fuckin’ dead. I mourned. I fuckin’ died inside. All this time you’ve been right under my nose...”

“It was the only way. It was the only option. I was in danger. I’ll explain it all later, I just,” her voice breaks and she sobs, “I’m home.”

This is bad. This is very very bad. Ava takes my hand and I use her to steady myself. Jagger looks past this woman and meets my gaze. There is so much written on his face, so many things he looks like he wants to say. I don’t understand. Nothing about this is making any sense.
