Page 20 of Her Father's Enemy

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Chapter 11


Damn these high-heels. And damn this dress. I almost fall flat on my face twice, but keep going. The door is so close. Just a few more steps and I’ll be with Flint. I’ll be free.

Emma is right beside me, her long honey-colored hair swishing back and forth with each step. I stretch out a hand toward the door, my palm smashing into the glass, and then a fresh breeze hits my face.

And then I run into something large and solid. Flint. He’s really here. I glance up, and my smile falters when I look at the face of one of my father’s stony-faced bodyguards. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. In my desire to reach Flint, I completely forgot about them.

He grabs both my arms, holding me firmly in place.

“Let me go!” I struggle against his grip. I need to free myself, need to get to Flint. Where is he? Emma said he’d be right outside, but there’s no sight of him.

Next to me, another bodyguard holds onto Emma, whose sweet face is a grimace of anger and fear.

“You have no right,” I spit, tugging against the vise-like grip. “No fucking right. I’m an adult.”

My father’s icy laugh comes from behind me and I look over my shoulder to see him and Oliver right behind me. My father’s handsome face is marred by a sneer. And in that moment, I realize I truly hate him. “You’re my daughter, Oriana. And you’ll do as you’re told.” He gestures toward Emma. “Let that one go. I don’t want any trouble.”

Immediately, the bodyguard steps away from Emma. She looks at me, her lovely eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry, Oriana.”

“It’s not your faul—” The sound of roaring engines interrupts me. And then five motorbikes skid to a halt, their riders jumping off. They really came for me. He came for me.

Damon and Jacob are here, Holly and my mom behind them. Damon heads straight to Emma, pushing her behind him.

But I can only look at Flint, something inside of me easing at the sight of him. His gaze goes straight to mine. Then he scans my body, as if checking for injuries. When he’s satisfied I’m unhurt, his eyes return to my face, his mask of anger softening. He’s here. He’s saving me. Despite everything, I smile. And Flint smiles right back before looking at the bodyguards and then my father and Oliver, all gentleness gone. The only thing left is an icy, glittering rage.

The bodyguard holding me stiffens almost imperceptibly, the other taking a step back, staring at the vests the men are wearing. Even these meat-heads know not to fuck with Flint and his men. But not my father. Red, angry splotches cover his face and he’s shaking with anger.

“You!” he yells, pointing a finger at Flint. “I knew it had to be you. You and my useless wife.”

Flint takes in a shuddering breath, the muscles in his jaw working, and ignores my father. “I have no beef with you. Not yet,” Flint tells the bodyguards. “Leave now, and I’ll forget about your involvement. If you stay…” A smile like the edge of a knife spreads over his face. The bodyguards exchange a look. A second later I’m free and hurling myself into Flint’s arms, breathing in his scent, taking comfort in his steady heartbeat against my cheek. He cups my face in his hands and brushes a soft kiss to my lips. “Hello, sweetheart.”

“No!” My father’s shout is almost hysterical, his voice higher than usual. Flint lets go of me and prowls toward my father, Damon and Jacob at his back.

Holly and my mom come to stand next to me, my mom’s expression torn between anxiety and anger. Still, she shoots me a small, cautious smile, and despite everything that’s happening around us, I smile back. I want to tell her I’m sorry, that I want to hear her side of the story, but now is not the time. So I just slip my hand into hers and squeeze it.

Flint glances back and forth between my father and Oliver, who is backing away with his hands raised. Flint is clearly torn on whom to focus. A muscle ticks in his jaw and his eyes are narrowed. Then his cold gaze hones in on Oliver. “If you ever come near Oriana again, I’ll fucking disembowel you. Now get the fuck out of here.”

Oliver, his eyes wide with fear, spins around and speeds down the street at a full sprint. Flint doesn’t spare him another look, instead focusing on my father. “Long time no see, Daniel.” His voice is a soft croon. “Here’s how this is going to work. We’re going to leave. You won’t follow us or contact any of us ever again.”

“Or what? You’re going to kill me?” My father’s laugh does little to mask the fear in his voice. I’ve never seen him like this before, and it gives me a dark pleasure.

Flint laughs, the sound like icy water dripping down my spine, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Don’t be silly, Dan. I’ll admit, it’s tempting. But no. If I go to prison, I won’t be able to take care of Oriana.” He glances at me then, and behind that mask of rage is a look so full of affection that it makes my heart swell.

My father blinks, then looks at me, his eyes shark-like. “You’re a stupid fucking whore. Just like your mother.”

Before his words fully register, Flint has my father slammed against the restaurant’s wall, his head making an ugly cracking sound as it hits the stone. “I said I won’t kill you. Not that I won’t hurt you.” He jabs his fist into my father’s ribs, making him groan and bend over in pain.

My mom lets go of my hand. “Leave it, Flint. He’s not worth it,” she says, walking over to them. “Hello, Daniel.” My mom’s usually kind smile is venomous. “You have two options here. Either you let my daughter leave with us. Or,” she says, her smile broadening, “I’ll call the cops and have you arrested for attempted kidnapping. Oriana is an adult. You can’t hold her against her will.”

“They’d never believe you,” he sneers.

I let out a snort of unbelieving laughter. “Oh, wouldn’t they? An entire restaurant filled with people saw you chase me down. They probably saw your goons grab me and Emma, too. I’m sure they’d be more than willing to tell the police just what they saw.”

My father gapes at me and my mom. “You wouldn’t. I forbid it,” he spits.

Holly comes to stand next to my mom, letting out a snort of laughter. “Oh, you forbid it, do you?” She stalks toward him, nudging Flint out of the way, and gets right in my father’s face. “I’m gonna let you in on a little secret, asshole. You don’t have any power over Sarah. Or me. Or your daughter. Not anymore. We’re leaving, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.”
