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“You’ve looked out for my girl since I’ve been gone, I can’t thank you enough and I’ll never forget it,” I say earnestly.

“Ah shucks, you’ll be having us all in tears next,” Connall says with a chuckle, earning him another glare.

“I’ve done what I can. But Nancy has been the one who’s had Grim’s back in all the ways I wasn’t able to. She’s been that person Grim could confide in,” Dom explains, dropping his arm over Nancy’s shoulders and planting a kiss on her temple. I’ve never seen the man so loved up, he’s got it bad. I know how that feels.

“What about Hudson? I thought you said he’s been a good friend to her,” I ask as casually as I fucking can. None of them are buying it though. They all know I’m a jealous fuck when it comes to his relationship with Kate.

“He has,” Dom confirms. “In the early days he was the one she spent the most time with. She stayed over at his place a lot. He took care of her, but after a while she had to pull up her big girl pants and become the woman we all knew she could be. Besides, Hudson’s been busy building his business with his brothers. As soon as he thought she was good, he took a step back, giving her the breathing space to grow. Just like you did, I guess.”

“Oh yeah?” I snatch up my drink and take another sip, jealousy rearing its ugly head. I swallow it down along with the beer.

Nancy watches me with amusement in her eyes. “It’s not like that between them. I know for a fact that Hudson is just a friend.”

“I’m not sure that makes me feel any better. He’s been there when I haven’t. They share the kind of intimacy that I want with her. She trusts him.”

“Mate, don’t do that,” Connall interrupts. “You’ve been there for Grim every step of the way since we left. When you tell her about what you’ve been doing for her, she’ll see that.”

“Doing for her?” Dom asks, sipping on his pint.

“The mercenaries,” Connall points out whilst I try not to think about how Hudson has been all the things to her that I should’ve been, that Ishould be.

“What’re you saying?”

Connall rolls his eyes. “Come on, man. You don’t think they just turned up at Tales of their own accord, do you? Beast has been working hard to supply Grim with an army large enough to fend off any fucker who tries to take her on.”

“Well, fuck me,” Dom says, shaking his head, a smile spreading across his face. “You’re one sneaky bastard, but I fucking like your style.”

“Me too,” Nancy agrees, giving Dom a stern look. “Why haven’t you sent me an army of mercenaries to watch over me?That’sthe kind of romantic gesture I’m after.”

Next to me Connall snorts with laughter. “Fucking hell, there’s me thinking a bunch of flowers and a nice meal out is enough to woo the ladies these days. Looks like I need to up my game.”

Dom scowls at Connall before returning his attention to a straight-faced Nancy. I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s playing this brilliantly. Nothing like keeping a man on his toes.

“Well?” Nancy persists.

“Because you’ve gotme. Why do you need anyone else?”

Nancy raises her brows, holding his stare for as long as possible before she bursts out laughing. “Oh, babe, come here,” she says before grasping his cheeks in her hands and planting a kiss on his lips, one that quickly turns X-rated.

“Right then, that’s my cue to fuck-off home,” I say, pushing back my chair and nudging Connall.

“What?” he asks, focussed on the pair as they make out like a couple of horny teenagers.

“Time to go,” I point out.

“Fuck that. This is the kind of entertainment I’ve been missing since propping up your arse the last couple years.”

I shake my head. “Whatever. You’ve had your fair share of excitement.”

“Shh, don’t tell them that. They might not take pity on me and let me indulge my voyeuristic urges.”

“Not in a million years,” Dom says, his mouth and chin covered in Nancy’s red lipstick as he pulls back and grins.

Connall huffs out a breath.“Don’t spoil my fun!”

“I’m heading out,” I say, not in the mood to watch the loved-up couple get it on with my best mate flirting to the max. He’s insatiable when it comes to sex, and I’m pretty sure he’s open to fucking men as well as women, though he’s never come right out and confirmed that. Not that it’s any of my business, he can shag whoever he wants. It makes no difference to me. “Catch you at Tales, yeah?”

“You’re gonna step back in the cage then, fight for a spot by her side?” Dom asks me, knowing full well that there’s no question.
