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There are five spread out over the course of the evening. I guess he really did want to talk.

Truthfully, there’s a big part of me that’s glad I had my phone switched off because I’m not ready to speak with Beast again just yet. I need to get my head together, and my heart under control before I do. I just feel way too vulnerable right now, and I don’t like it.

This isn’t the woman I’ve become. I can’t be weak like this.

And yet, I can’t seem to let go of my phone either.

Deciding that I need a drink, I get out of bed and grab my dressing gown, wrapping it around my naked body, then head to the kitchen and pour myself a large glass of white wine. A minute later Cleveland steps into the kitchen.

“Ma’am, I was just about to wake you. Beast turned up and is currently standing in your driveway. Want us to deal with that?” he asks, his hay-blonde hair falling into his brown eyes as he speaks. He looks like an angel, but like all my soldiers, he’s far from angelic.

“Is that so?” I say, my pulse kicking up a notch. “Didn’t George stop him at the gate?”

Cleveland raises a brow. “George sleeps on the job. You should fire his arse.”

I smile then. “You think I don’t know? He’s nearing retirement, besides, I have you and Harris to protect me, right?

“Fair enough. So what do you want us to do about Beast?”

“Leave it. I’ll deal with him.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He nods then leaves the room.

Downing half the glass of wine, I stare at my phone resting on the kitchen island, pondering what to do next when a text message lights up the screen.

Do I read it? Do I go outside and confront Beast? Do I tell Cleveland I’ve changed my mind and ask him to escort Beast off the premises? Do I invite him in and forget about all the shit between us and do what I’ve dreamed of doing for years now?

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

When my phone beeps again, I snatch it up. “Fuck it!” I say, opening the text message.

Beast:I’ve left something for you on the porch.

I frown. Well, if that’s not fucking creepy, I don’t know what is. Clutching my phone in my hand, I scowl at it, watching the three little bubbles move as he types.

Beast:It’s not a metal box filled with hearts. I swear.

A laugh bursts free from my lips, shocking me, but I shut down that warm feeling, refusing to allow myself to feel anything other than annoyance because it’s three in the morning and I’m in no mood for games… Oram I?

Beast:Or a signed poster of that balding actor you like.

This time my laughter releases unrestrained, and that warm feeling I’m trying to repress seeps into my veins, momentarily softening all of the hard edges and painful memories. I feel them dissolving a little and I’m uncertain how to play this. I’m out of my depth here.

Beast:If I’m gonna be honest, I had considered doing a Milk Tray moment, and deliver you a box of chocolates through your bedroom window but decided against it. I’d rather keep my bollocks intact.

“Jesus Christ,” I say, smothering another giggle because one, Grim does not fucking giggle, and two… I’m not a fucking besotted girl anymore.

Dragging in a deep breath, I blow it out roughly and stride over to the window that overlooks the gravel driveway. Other than my car there’s nothing else parked outside. I narrow my eyes, refocusing as I peer into the darkness. My heartbeat kicks up a notch as I try to search for his familiar figure. Once again my phone beeps with another text message.

Beast:You really need to get better security. I don’t think much of your guard.

Beast:And privacy glass. You never know who might be watching.

An irrational scattering of fear disperses down my spine because there’s a chance that I could’ve read this all wrong, and Beast is back for vengeance. I did shoot him after all. Could this all be one big ploy to get his revenge, sweeten me up, tell me all the things I want to hear, then turn up at my house in the middle of the night, take out my security guards and murder me?

It’s possible.

Then I remember Cleveland and Harris are sitting on my roof, and my shoulders relax.
