Page 71 of Lost Love

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“Do I like him more than fuck?” I repeated the question. “Of course, I do.”

“Then go after him!”

“I can’t.”

“What, why?” she asked, exasperated with my response. Except no one was more exasperated and frustrated at this whole situation than me.

He’s your brother, and he’s engaged!

“Like I said, it’s complicated. I just have to move on.”

“And settle for second best?”

“I’m not settling. I’m trying to fix things with Jake.”

“Uh-huh?” she said, reaching for the pain au chocolat and taking a large bite. “Girl, you know I love you like a sister, and you know I’m here for you. When you want to tell me, tell me.”

Sister. Hell, I hadn’t even thought of that benefit. What? Stop. Now you’re thinking of Connor as your husband. Oh my God. What the…

“You okay?”

“Huh?” I looked up to find Lourde staring at me. If only she could read my mind. “Yes, fine.”

“Just promise me you won’t settle. You’re too goddamn important to just settle.”

I reached for the Danish and tore it in half. Divided, damaged, and torn. Divided between what was right and what was wrong and not wanting to settle as Lourde said. But let’s face it. I was damaged. My trust broken. Torn between a man I can’t have and a man that I have a history with.

I nodded. “You know I will.” I popped the flakey pastry in my mouth, enjoying the buttery goodness.

“In the meantime, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

Fuck, it was delicious. I stuffed the next piece into my mouth. “What’s that?”

“Will you be my maid of honor?”

“Hell, yes!” I shouted with a mouthful of pastry. I leaped up, putting weight on my sore ankle to embrace her. Lourde stood to meet me, and I flung my arms around her. We squealed like school kids as we hugged it out, jumping up and down on the spot.

Eventually, my ankle ached, and I let her go. “I think we caused quite a spectacle!” she said, casting her eyes around the cafe.

“Who cares! I can’t believe you left it till the end of our meetup to ask me that!”

She laughed a cheeky laugh. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

After pulling out the money to cover our bill, I placed it on the table, then shouldered my purse. We walked out of the café onto the busy street.

“So, who else is in the bridal party?”

“I asked you first, but next, I’ll call Grace… that’s if she will ever come back from the Hamptons!”

“I know, right? Damn, I miss her… who else?”


“Oh, I really like her,” I gushed. “Especially when she stood her ground with Ari.”

“I know. She’s fiery as fuck.”

“What’s her story anyway?”
