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A whimper slipped free of its own accord as he scooted closer to Porter who lay in between Ozni's legs once again. He made sure not to touch Porter too much, afraid he might hurt the human. Foi ignored his wolf, no matter how much the creature begged to be squashed right up against their mate and make sure their human was all right.

At what point did Porter become mine?

Foi couldn't find it in him to question it any further, not when it felt so right. They'd all started crossing lines. It had all begun with a sassy, skirt-wearing human who had sad eyes but a smile firmly on his face. Porter had come along and changed their lives for the better.

"He's going to get cold like that," Cyrus pointed out.

Jaygen walked away to the closest to come back with a blanket. The man had something for every occasion. Foi bet if someone asked for blueberry-scented socks Jaygen would be able to produce them in a matter of seconds. How the hell he was always so organized and prepared confused the shit out of Foi.

Cyrus took the blanket and draped it over Porter's naked body before joining them in bed. He laid on Ozni's legs and partially on Porter's before sighing.

Their eyes met and Foi could easily pick out the guilt and conflict in Cyrus's deep brown eyes. It was the same as Foi's. They'd failed Porter tonight. But Foi was making a vow right then and there to never allow it to happen again. He'd protect Porter even at the cost of his own life.

"We need to find some way to help him," Jaygen finally said.

Foi agreed. They had told Porter they'd protect him and then this happened.

"What should we do? Like Arden said, we can't start a war," Ozni said.

Jaygen nodded and sat in his chair next to the bed. "I will come up with a plan." He met each of their gazes. "Will all of you help me in making sure our human is safe?"


It felt right. In the end, Porter brought them all together.

Foi huffed his agreement.

"Of course," Ozni said. His voice was deep and rich. It was truly a shame he didn't speak more.

"I'm in. Porter deserves the world," Cyrus agreed.

Jaygen nodded. "That he does. And we will be the ones to give it to him." The conviction in the man's voice gave Foi more confidence. There would be no challenging the statement because it was written in stone. "It will be risky," Jaygen warned.

There was no doubt in Foi's mind that every step after today would be one taken with risk but the human that lay between them was worth every one. Foi closed his eyes and forced his shift back. He wanted to stay in wolf form in case he needed to protect Porter, but in a room full of supernaturals that adored Porter, he felt it safe to be back in his human form.

Foi cracked his neck and groaned as he opened and closed his fist. It always felt strange to be in human flesh. He'd spent years as a wolf in the wild. If it hadn't been for Arden finding him and the help of the men in the room with him, he'd probably still be a mindless beast.

"He is worth every risk," Foi growled. He met Jaygen's ice blue eyes. He met no hesitation there. Jaygen was all in, even if he went and did everything on his own. It should have bothered Foi, but instead, it was something he grudgingly admired about the tiger shifter.

"That he is,” Jaygen whispered.

Cyrus and Ozni nodded.

"Do you have a plan ready?" Foi asked ready to get rid of the threat this very second.

Jaygen sighed, pushing his elegant fingers through his neat blond hair. Every move he made was calculated. He never did anything excessive, ever. "It doesn't work that way, mutt." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

Foi growled but Jaygen lifted his hand. There was the tiniest whimper that squeezed around Foi's heart and had him and every other man in the room holding their breath. All sets of eyes went to Porter as he moved a little on Ozni, his face scrunching up in discomfort, before smoothing back out. Bruises marred his gorgeous face and it made Foi angry all over again. He swallowed back his growl, determined not to wake Porter.

"We will talk more about this later. I need a little time to solidify the plan," Jaygen said matter-of-factly.

Foi wanted to argue, wanted to shout that they should go now, but he bit the inside of his cheek until the tangy taste of copper filled his mouth. He swallowed his own blood and took in a measured breath. Jaygen would never tell them the plan until he had every painstaking detail worked out, to the point that they'd know Gabriel Manetti's underwear choice for the day.

Jaygen’s deadly stare landed on Foi and had the effect it always had on him. He felt pinned there, in his spot, as if staring the ultimate predator in the eyes. Foi normally fought the feeling, bucking at Jaygen being stronger than him and practically announcing his dominance over him with a look alone.

Unlike before, Foi felt no need to growl and make a retort. His wolf was calm as if he'd fully accepted Jaygen being in charge. There wasn't any annoyance coursing through him. A slight tilt to Jaygen's stern lips let on that he knew that Foi had fully acknowledged him as the apex predator. Foi had a strong urge to push the man's button anyways. To say something off-handed and break that huge bubble that was his goddam ego. But he kept his mouth shut.

