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Turning around, my heart sinks when I see Penelope looking at me with a critical appreciation and I don’t miss the slight sneer on her face, or the derision in her eyes.

“Please, Ella, allow me to show you something before we return to my guests, you may be interested in this.”

I doubt it, but I feign interest and smile, although it pains me to do anything but scowl at this bitch who obviously knows she’s better than me.

“That sounds interesting, of course.”

We walk along her beautiful hallway and she leads me to a door at the end, saying in a low voice, “Adam told me Lucas had found someone to play with, which surprised me a little because they don’t usually last the night. You must have something the rest don’t.”

“Excuse me.” I can’t believe she actually went there and voiced the thoughts in her head, and she smiles maliciously. “Then I asked myself why? What does this girl have above all others? Surely there must be something to gain such a man’s interest.”

I can’t believe how rude she is and say tightly, “Listen, thanks for the tour but no thanks. I think I’ll be heading back to Lucas now.”

To my surprise, she grabs my arm roughly and hisses. “I don’t think so.”

She pushes me into the room and as I catch my breath, she turns and closes the door, locking it behind us. “What are you doing?”

I stare at her in shock as she laughs bitterly. “Finishing the job.”

“What are you talking about?”

As I utter the words, my breath catches as I stare down the barrel of a gun that she is pointing directly at my head.

“I’m sorry about this, Ella, but we don’t have long. If I know Lucas, he’ll make his excuses inside of thirty minutes and leave. The trouble is, I can’t let that happen, so you are my only hope.”

As I stare into the eyes of a deranged woman, I feel real fear in my heart. She’s mad, it’s obvious, and is holding a gun that she is obviously not afraid to use.

“Why?” I whisper the words and hate that my voice shakes in fear and she shrugs. “Money, power, favors owed. Take your pick because this whole show has been put on for one reason only.”

“The brunch?”

She laughs. “Not the brunch you foolish girl, the marriage, the pretense of being the perfect wife. It was all a lie, a twisted engineered façade to get me to this point, and you are the one who will take the fall. Genius really because the target has always been Lucas, and it has taken several months of planning to reach this point.”

I try so hard to organize my thoughts; to get my head straight so I can work my way out of this horror show, but she doesn’t give me time and snarls, “To be honest, I can’t wait to get this done. Waiting for the opportunity has been so tedious, and if I have to endure one more night of Adam, I’m liable to finish him off.”

“Why are you doing this?” I repeat my question to try to stall for some time, anything to make this go away, and she shrugs, “The money’s good.”

She waves to a seat facing the door and says roughly, “Sit.”

I swallow hard and consider my options, which appear to be in short supply right now and so I do as she says, trying hard to get my breathing under control.

As she advances, the tears blur my vision because all I can think of is Lucas. She wants him dead, but why?

The pain in my heart is so real and raw, and I know it’s not down to my own safety - it’s his. This can’t happen, I won’t let it happen, and yet she is the one standing there with a gun to my head.

She doesn’t hang around either and before I know it, she snarls, “Place your hands behind your back.”

She advances quickly and I feel the cold hard steel of the barrel of the gun against my temple and have no other choice but to do as she says.

I feel her fasten something around my wrists, and then she reaches for my purse and grabs the phone from it.

“Perfect. Now I just send a text to your devoted companion and we will wait for him to arrive. This should be good.”

“Please, don’t hurt him, whatever you’re being paid, he will pay more.” I plead with her the only way I know how, and she laughs.

“I doubt that.”

She starts tapping into the phone and I look around wildly for anything that could help free me from this situation. I need to think, to help Lucas because this woman is mad, I really believe that.

She throws the phone on the table beside the chair and says, almost as if she’s talking about the weather, “There, that should do it. Now all we need is for him to come running and then bang, Lucas is no more. It’s a shame you’ll go to hell with him. The evidence will show you pulled the trigger and then turned it on yourself. Perfect and I get to be the first on the scene, the shocked hostess who stumbled upon a murder scene.”

The tears blind me as I feel so helpless and as she paces the room, I pray to god Lucas never reads that text.
