Page 44 of Cocky Caveman

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We hug.

He understands and doesn’t pity me.

We hug some more.

“Can I tell Aubrey?”

“Yes. I should have told you both when I arrived in the States. I think part of me worried you would walk around on eggshells around me. This place”—I spread my arms out—“has helped me a lot. I have had a lot of time to think while working. I am okay with talking about it out loud now. I can’t change anything. It is what it is. I just needed time for myself.”

He rubs his chin, muttering, “Well, here’s the kicker. There’s another reason I am up early. What seemed like a good idea at the time…” He pauses, running a hand through his hair. “Now… it may not be the best timing, as it turns out.”

“What is it, Chance?”

“I am in two minds about how this is going to pan out, but just know that Aubrey and I had good intentions, but it is a little late to cancel, and it could be a good thing for you, having the distraction.”

“Yikes. What have you done?”

“Well, we thought you deserved the morning off to have fun away from working on your property.”


“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then, in that case, it is time for you to go get dressed in something other than your pajamas and an oversized leather jacket, although it is a good look. Throw on something fashionable and not feed-the-animals fashionable.”

“Why? It’s 5:28 a.m.”

“No particular reason I want to reveal right now, but maybe do something with that bird’s nest and brush your pearls as well, and throw on a little makeup because you are still sporting a shiner—”

“Chance!” What is he rambling on about? “Dude, what aren’t you telling me.”

Pixy raises his head and looks at me. I swear he knows his daddy is up to something.

A loud rumble has me turning my head toward the sound. “Why is there a motorcycle coming up my driveway at this hour?” I query, “because we’re not open for business yet, which means nobody should be driving on my property at this time of the morning.”

“That is interesting.” I notice Chance doesn’t sound at all concerned about the rumble drawing closer.

I narrow my eyes at him. “What are you up to, cousin?”

“Are you talking to me?” He touches his chest with one hand, not at all hiding he’s in on whatever is going on. You might want to go see who it is, and remember you trust and love Aubrey and me, and don’t forget our cute kid.”

“What the hell are you waffling on about?”

“Go look. I promise it’s safe to do so.”

“I will come back to haunt you if I get murdered on your watch.”

“See, you are distracted already.” He laughs, making light of whatever is going on.

I wait until Chance has moved Pixy fully onto his lap before getting up and walking around the side of the homestead. The sensor light clicks on, illuminating a substantial area.

I stand there waiting for the visitor to reveal themselves. I can only see the silhouette behind the headlight beam guiding the motorcyclist to my home.

Maybe the rider is lost and in need of direction? Nope. Chance knows who it is.

I look behind me to find my cousin strolling over with Pixy trotting on beside him. He feels the need to have my back, yet he doesn’t seem at all curious about my trespasser. I would go as far as to say he is pleased with himself if the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth is any indication to go on.
