Page 14 of The Club Family

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“Okay. Lockdown still stands, but no more holding back. We fight till they’re gone. And you, Leo, will call point on the repercussions.”

The silence from the brothers was already deafening, but now it’s like a ticking time bomb. Brothers are taken aback as they look between Leo and me.

I slam the gavel down to end the meeting, knowing they could all do with a drink to process. It’s not like anyone’s talking against me. Their rush to get out into the bar gives away the awkwardness I inflicted on them.

Remaining in my chair, I close my eyes as the room empties out.

“Why the change of heart?”

I open my eyes and look at Sparky, still seated to my left. The need to light up is stronger than ever.

“Why not?” I counter.

“What’s going on, Cas?”

I stare at my oldest friend. He isn’t going to be happy to hear the truth in my heart.

“Talk to me, brother. Something’s going on with you, I know it.”

“It’s time to see what he’s made of.”

“For what? You…” His eyes widen. “You’re grooming him to take over.”

“It’s been on my mind. The club needs youth and a hunger to be more—”

“Bullshit,” he snaps, cutting me off. “What’s this really about?”

He deserves to hear what I’ve been thinking, so I inhale deeply, then exhale long and hard.

“I’m considering stepping down. It was always going to happen. That time is fast approaching, and I think I’m ready for it. I need to spend proper time with my family. I’m missing everything.”

“And how do you plan on spending your days? There’s only so much time that can be taken up with family.”

I continue to stare at him, because apart from needing to spend more time with my family, I have no fucking idea what else I’m going to do.

“Okay,” he drawls, “whenare you planning on retiring?”

“I have no idea.”

Slamming his hand down against the table, he darts up out of his chair. “I fucking know, and it’s not now, or even in the near future. You want time to kick back? Then delegate to the sons. I sure as shit ain’t ready to step back, and deep down, you know you’re not, either.”

“You saw Harper, Sparks. It’s been so easy to keep her in the background while focusing on the shitstorms that settle over us more often than not. If I weren’t so clouded by club shit, I could’ve been there for her and gotten her help way before now.”

“He’s my son, and fuck knows I love the shit out of him, but that was on him. He saw her declining, and didn’t come to us for help.”

“It’s not just her. I have a granddaughter I only see when she’s around the club. I have another grandkid on the way, same as you, and you know we’ll probably only see this one if Harper brings it around. Then there’s Lana. She’s been so good to me over the years. I owe her. Whatever years I have left, I want to dedicate to her.”

“Barbs is this club, Cas. If there’s one woman who gets the hardships of being with a brother, it’s her. Besides, she loves you and this club. I can’t see her being happy about you stepping down.”

“Actually, she said she’d stand at my side. You’re forgetting Leo would be getting the gavel. She’ll be happy ’cause it’s staying in the family.”

Rolling his eyes, he nods. “That’s true.”

“It’s time to seriously think this through, Sparks. I took the gavel without hesitation, and I don’t regret a single fucking day giving myself to the patch. You know why I patched in. I started this life with nothing, but marrying Lana, I’ve got the chance to finish my days having everything.”

He falls into the chair and tips his head back. “Cas, what you’re talking about… it’d be the end of an era.”

I exhale so hard my cheeks balloon, wholeheartedly agreeing with him. I’ve been the president of the Lost Souls Motorcycle Club for so long, I’m like a permanent fixture.
