Page 9 of The Club Family

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Releasing me, he reaches down for my hand and helps me out of the car before rolling down the window for me.


Nodding, I round the car and sit back in my seat. I catch the twins and the new guy looking back at us from where they stopped a little ways up the road, then turn my attention to Jay resting his hands on top of the car while trying to get his breathing under control. After a few moments, he climbs back in behind the wheel.

“I am sorry. I wasn’t thinking…”

“It’s fine. Just talk to me and I’ll help you. I’ll always help you.”

He pulls back onto the road, and the twins fall in behind us. I know Jay’s angry with me, but I don’t regret it. It’s the best I’ve felt in a long time.

Waking up,I take a look around. I don’t recognise where we are, but the car is parked. Jay’s leaning against the hood, smoking a cigarette, talking with the twins while the new guy, Angel, is seated on his bike, taking a call. Sitting straighter, I unclip my belt and take in the Red Thorne sign above the doors to the hospital.

It doesn’t look like a hospital, but I can feel its cold, clinical grip enveloping me. Opening my door and stepping out, Jay turns and flicks his cigarette across the parking lot as he comes toward me. Meeting him halfway, I fall into his arms.

“I promise, this isn’t going to be for long.”

“I don’t want to go in there, Jay. Please, don’t make me.”

I try to step back, but he tightens his hold around me.

“You gotta do it, babe. You need the kind of help I can’t give you.”

Two men in white coats come out of the main doors, and I know they’re here for me. I look to Mason, but he casts his eyes to the ground. Focusing on my husband, I tell him, “If you love me, you won’t leave me here.”

“It’s because I love you that I have to.” His voice cracks, but I can’t feel sorry for him. He isn’t the one who has to stay here, alone.

Using his strength against me, he urges me forward, no matter how hard I try to fight him.

I’ll beg if I have to.

“Mason, I changed my mind. Help me!”

But he remains by his motorcycle and murmurs, “I can’t, sweetheart.”

“This is my wife, Harper Carter. I booked her in this morning.”

Ignoring their back-and-forth, I latch onto Jay’s cut, pleading, “Don’t do this. I don’t want to go in there. I want to go home with you, where I’m safe.”

Strong hands curl around my upper arms, and before I can blink, Jay’s already moving away from me. But it’s not him moving, it’s me. The men in white coats have me by the arms and are walking me backward.

The twins and Angel don’t make a move to help me. This can’t be happening. I need to get away.

“Get off of me!” I scream the closer we get to the doors.

I don’t need to be here. I just need to be at home—myhome. Not the club.

“Be careful with her! She’s pregnant!” I hear JJ yelling, but then the doors are closing, surrounding me in silence.

Two nurses appear from behind the reception desk, but I can’t hear a word they’re saying over the roar of blood rushing through my ears.

“I don’t need help,” I cry, knowing it’s no use. “Just let me go!”

Hot tears are the only thing I can feel as I’m seated in a wheelchair.

“No! Please, you don’t understand. I’m fine.”

“It’s okay, Harper. You’re safe here,” one of the nurses says as she pricks my arm with a needle.
