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She takes a moment to meet each of our eyes, and I’m hit with the level of her skill. Marianna is a masterful storyteller. No wonder her books sell by the millions. If she ever holds a class, I’ll empty out my savings account to attend.

“But I told him the truth. That I had hoped I could live a fairy tale.” Now she leans close, drawing the four of us in with her. We’re puppets on her string. “Only, I wished for a fairy tale in reverse. I wanted to kiss a prince and have him turn into a frog.”

Dash chokes on a laugh as Paige gives a happy whoop. Summer rests her head on my shoulder, giggles spilling out of her.

“Needless to say, he did not stay. And I left the exchange with all my illusions of princes shattered. I do not believe I have met a more insufferable person.” Marianna grins at me across the table.

That’s when the true purpose of her anecdote dawns on me.

This whole display was not to brag about her celebrity acquaintances or to dazzle us with her storytelling abilities.

Every word was for Summer’s benefit. Not only is my librarian relaxed, leaning into my side. She also knows that there is a very low bar she needs to hurdle to keep from being the most annoying person Marianna has ever met.

I give the author a small nod, and she winks in return.

As long as Marianna doesn’t have plans to tempt Summer away from me, she’s cool in my book.

When things settle, Summer speaks up in a not-at-all robotic voice. “I’m sorry. I just have to say, I devoured your latest book. I never thought I’d find sex dungeons interesting.”

“What?” Dash and I ask in unison.

“Wasn’t it great? I edited it.” Paige works remotely for an NYC publisher, and Marianna must not only be her friend but one of her writers. “I had to do some research myself to make sure my commenting was on point.” she adds, like her words aren’t just setting off a bomb in my ex-roommate’s mind.

“Research? What kind? How is this the first I’m hearing of this?” Dash tugs the menu out of his girlfriend’s hands so she has to look at him.

“Oh stop. It’s not like I went to one. I meant reading. Watching videos. Making sure I knew the terminology and how things look.”

“You’ve been watching sex dungeon porn? Without me?”

“It was for work.”

“Does it have to be?”

Paige slaps her hand over Dash’s mouth even as her eyes laugh.

Then Marianna launches into a description of the interview process for becoming a dominatrix.

Despite the fascinating conversation, it’s not long before Paige’s lips pinch, her eyes twitching toward the bar then back to me, a clear message in them.

After the message I texted her and Dash before this dinner, I expected something like this. But Summer’s hand is twined with mine, and she’s eagerly asking Marianna intelligent questions, and I have a delicious beer in my hand. I want to pretend like everything is right in the world.

I ignore the message.

So Paige shouts it at me.

“Let’s go get the next round, Cole!”

A grimace threatens to curve my mouth, but I force out the semblance of a smile. “You want anything?” I ask close to Summer’s ear.

She beams up at me. “Just a water, please.”

I press my lips to the side of her head, breathing in her sweet scent and praying to the universe that Paige isn’t about to tear my world down.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“Why are you asking us to lie to her?”
