Page 13 of Always Mine

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I watch Trish pull her signature dish—her grandmother’s meatloaf—from the oven, followed by the twice-baked potatoes. Damn if it doesn’t smell good. It’s also one of my favorite meals.

I hear voices wafting from the other room, and I turn to look at the doorway to the kitchen. Mikey strolls in laughing and chatting.With Luke.

And hot damn, he looks like a fucking snack. Actually, he’s a whole goddamn meal.

He’s wearing a flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows, some sexy black jeans, a pair of nice boots, and his hair is freshly washed. He smells spicy and manly, and I want to jump him. I swallow hard, trying not to gape at the god of a man standing in front of me.

He smiles brightly as he looks at me.Damn him. He totally knew he’d be here and didn’t tell me.Conveniently, neither did Mikey and Trish, but that’s less of a surprise.

As Mikey turns to Trish, Luke strolls over and pulls me into his arms, attempting to hug me like he did before yesterday happened.

I put on my game face and say, “Didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”

He smirks at me, and my panties melt. “Wasn’t in the original plan. Ended up being able to leave early today and Ce had plans.”

He glances at Mikey and Trish, and seeing that they aren’t looking, he gives me a devilish smile and quickly squeezes my hand.

“Where’s your car?” he asks.

I look suspiciously at Mikey, then back at Luke. “It wasn’t ready yet,” I say, flaring my eyes. Luke stifles a laugh.

Mikey and Trish planned all of this, trying to set us up. Specifically Mikey.Oh my god, I’m an idiot. This is why my car conveniently wasn’t ready yet. He probably said that, so Luke would have to give me a ride home. He’s been so crazy about getting us together. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the one who put the screw I ran over in the road in the first place.

Of course, they don’t know we’re already together, so maybe we can have some fun with this. Or I can sit through dinner and try not to eye-fuck Luke the whole time.

If I’m honest, it’ll probably be that one.

“Dinner is ready. Why don’t you two get settled at the table? I put you across from Mikey and me.”


“Sounds perfect.” I grab a beer for Luke, take mine from the counter, and walk over to the table, putting a little extra sway in my hips as I do.

Luke, ever the gentleman, hurries over and pulls my chair out for me.

“Thank you,” I purr.

Okay, maybe we’re going to spend tonight teasing each other.

Luke sits down next to me as Mikey and Trish join us. Once the food has been served, we all dig in.

Food is good. It’s a good distraction. I always felt pulled toward Luke before. I loved sitting next to him, feeling his warmth. Now? After yesterday? I want to mount him. Sitting next to him is making my heart pound.

I focus on my food. Actually, we all seem to. Trish is scarfing hers down like it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten and Mikey and Luke, well, they’ve always been able to put away food.

When we’re all finished, Luke leans back in his chair and sneakily slides his hand down my thigh.

Help me, I’m melting.

I shift in my seat, covertly moving closer to him, then rest my hand on his thigh, right where it meets his hip. I brush my fingers over the crotch of his pants, and his fingers dig into my thigh.

I seriously want him to toss everything off this table, throw me on it, and fuck me right here. I don’t even care if Mikey and Trish watch. I’ve never wantedanyoneso badly before. I think this might actually be driving me insane.

I want to hold him, kiss him,something.

I carefully slide my phone out of my pocket and manage to open my sound settings and trigger my ringtone. I yank it up. “Oh. This is my editor.”

“Take it, take it!” Trish yells, ever my number one supporter.
