Page 19 of Always Mine

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“I don’t want tonight to be over yet,” she murmurs.

“I don’t either,” I mutter, my dick already hardening again.

“Good.” She reaches over and opens a drawer, pulling out a box of condoms. “Because you did promise to bury yourself inside me all night.”

I let out a low growl. No one has ever been able to do to me what she does. She turns me inside out. All I can think about is her. Her beautiful smile. Her gorgeous blue eyes that change color depending on her mood. Her big heart. Her brilliant mind. Not to mention her sexy body. Just the thought of her makes me hard. Right now, I’m pretty sure I could use my dick as a hammer.

Hm. Different kind of hammer.

She rolls the condom on and I shudder.

I meet her lust-filled eyes, and she gives me a devilish smile.

She’s mine.

And damn straight, I’m gonna fuck her all night if that’s what she wants.

Chapter 5


Iwakeup,wrappedin Luke’s arms, to the sound of my phone buzzing. I close my eyes and enjoy the quiet safety of Luke’s arms. But knowing the boys are with Tad, I force myself to grab it, only to find notifications for Instagram and various other social media, and several emails, including one about new reviews for my most recent book.

I glance over at Luke, who is still sleeping. Ignoring the warning in my stomach, I flip open the email, clicking the link to take me to my reviews.

I roll through them, seeing a five star, two four stars, and a two star.Two stars?Ugh. That means they really hated it.

Who leaves two star reviews?

Ever a glutton for punishment, I start reading it. And it is… scathing.

Tears prickle in my eyes.

I’ve published enough books that it shouldn’t bother me. Petty, rude reviews should never bother me, but they do.

I will never understand why people write reviews like that. There’s a person behind that book cover. Someone who poured their heart—or at the very least, a lot of time, energy, and money—into that book. To viciously rip it apart in a few sentences is mean. It’s unnecessary. And it sure as hell does not feel good.

When Luke groans and reaches for me, I quickly wipe a tear from my cheek. I’m about to put my phone away when Luke slides his hand up my arm. “Baby?” He props himself up on his elbow and leans over to look at me. “Are you crying?” He sits straight up and growls, “What’s wrong?” My eyes roll over his face, looking into his eyes filled with fiery rage. Anything I was feeling a moment ago has washed away, knowing that this incredible man next to me would doanythingto see me happy. And he might kill anyone who hurts me.

“It was—it’s stupid. Just a bad review,” I finally say.

He furrows his brow, grabs my phone, and reads it, shaking his head as he does. Then he turns my screen off, sets my phone next to his, and says, “Bullshit.”

I laugh out loud. “What?”

He slides back under the covers, pulling me into his arms. “That review was bullshit. Did they even read the book? If they did, they totally missed the point.”

I stare at him in disbelief. “You’ve… read it?”

His eyes lock on mine. “Of course, I’ve read it. I’ve read everything you’ve written.”

I choke on a breath. “What?”

“Baby, every time you released a book, I told you I couldn’t wait to read it. Did you think I was lying?”

“No… I—everyone says that. I never doubted your support, but I never expected you to read them all. Why didn’t you ever talk to me about it?”

“I didn’t want to seem like a stalker.” He gives me an adorably devilish smirk.
