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Chapter 48 – Buds of Spring

Third-person POV

Metheus was twelve when he decided he wanted to go farming. His father was bewildered by his choice of activity.

“You do not have to do this, Metheus,” King Doro said, slurring some of his words after a mix of mead and wine. However, his mind was clear enough to understand that his son was asking for something another boy would gladly escape.

“I know, Father, but I want to. The land calls to me.”

“What do you mean the land calls you?” the king asked, leaning forward to inspect his son. At twelve, Metheus was already taller than his father, although his build was still slim. His father could not imagine those skinny arms handling the plow.

“I heard it. It was like a human voice but more whispery-like and loud at the same time,” the boy said.

“How long have you been hearing it?”

“Since I could remember, but I am now just strong enough. Emir and Razuku will join me.”

The half-Rama boys had been Metheus’ friends since they were little. King Doro encouraged friendship and loved seeing his son playing rough with peasants. He did not want to indulge him, or else he would end up like him, weak and often complaining of imaginary ailments.

Queen Erani walked into the throne room and saw her son presenting like any other village boy before his father. He preferred asking for things this way. It was like a challenge for him. He did not like when his wishes were granted too quickly. For that, the queen was proud of Metheus.

“I heard what the two of you had been talking about.”

“Were we that loud, my love?”

“No. But you know I can hear with the help of the walls,” Erani said.

Metheus found his mother’s statement strange at that time. Yet, he did not ask any questions. He was not meant to do so. She raised him well.

“So, Metheus, you want to work on the fields? I am proud of you. When you were born, Prozeus gathered moisture. Even the gods know that you have made many changes to your father’s kingdom. You have made its soil fertile. You made its coffers fuller than ever before.”

“Is that true, Mother?”

“Yes. Your father is good with money, but you have made him wealthier. I believe he needs to stop drinking wine.”

“I am on my last drop, my love,” Doro assured his wife.

“You need to get up from your throne from time to time,” Erani advised.

“I do not want to see that woman. She is here with her child.”

“Come now, see them yourself. Did you not say you would want Metheus to have normal princely activities as Ari has?”

“Ari is a lazy child. He only walks around when he wants people to see his fine clothes,” Doro grunted. His face turned a deeper shade of red.

“Just like somebody I know so well,” murmured Erani.

“What did you say, Erani?” demanded King Doro.

“Nothing. All I am saying is that we are fortunate to have a son like Metheus.”

Metheus bowed his head, not knowing what to do with the praise. He had never been comfortable with people praising him, even if it was his own mother.

“Mother, should I go? I was asking Father for permission to go to the fields.”

“Oh, was that for today, my boy? Go ahead. Play with Razuku and Emir.”

“We will not be playing, Father.”
