Page 10 of Wynter's Coming

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I pulled my phone from my clutch and tapped out a message:

“Dear Mr. Scrooge, I was going to give you something in the elevator but you rushed off.”

Immediately my phone pinged with a reply.“And what might that be, Angel?”

“Another one of my firsts—my first blow job. Sleep tight. Your Winter Angel.”

Chapter Five


What the fuck had I been thinking sending Angel away before I’d gotten off last night? I hadn’t lied to her. I did have a meeting to attend. At the time I scheduled it, I’d imagined I’d be sated and relaxed for the first time in weeks and ready to tackle the final touches on the Christmas festival and the final problems with the New Orleans property head-on.

Instead, I’d spent the evening miserable—hard, grouchy, and distracted by thoughts of a voluptuous angel coming all over my tongue.

Fuck.I had licked my lips so many times in an attempt to get one more taste of her that one of the executive assistants offered me some lip balm. The sounds of Angel’s moans played over and over again in my head, drowning out the voices of the executives who stayed late to report to me on the projects. We’d been sure we’d get things wrapped up at this meeting so it could move ahead as originally planned. My lack of attention was so extreme, I finally ended the meeting with little resolved. None of my staff seemed too pleased about the outcome and the fact they’d most likely be giving up more of their evenings until things were hammered out.

But as I stood outside the restaurant on the main floor of the Luna, my mind wasn’t on anything but the dark-haired angel who proved to be much more of a distraction to my life and my business than the amusing diversion Porter and West had intended for me when they signed me up for Jolly Nights.

As I thought of the dating app that had matched me with Angel, it occurred to me that I probably should have asked her more questions. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d used the app before. Had she been on other dates, looking for the person to give her virginity to?

The vein at my temple throbbed and the curse that escaped my lips at the idea of her having intimate moments like the one we’d shared last night with other men had hotel guests in the lobby turning their heads toward me.

Shit.How had one petite little innocent tied me into knots? I wasalwaysconscious of providing an example of unflappable decorum for my staff to follow. But after only one hour with Angel, I was standing in the middle of my hotel, a hotel with a reputation for elegance and class, making a spectacle of myself.

I hadn’t been thinking when I asked her to meet me here. My employees didn’t need to see me engaging in my clandestine meetings with Angel over the next few weeks.

My heart gave a brief, painful twinge at the idea that this little fantasy Porter and West had managed to manipulate me into would all be over by Christmas. But I ignored any pangs. A few more weeks would be more than enough time to work Angel out of my system. Hell, by then, I’d probably be looking for a way to end things earlier than planned. I’d have Porter help me let her down easy, sending her flowers and a small token of fondness as I’d done with countless women in the past. The only reason Angel was playing such havoc with my senses was because I hadn’t had her yet. Once I got her under me, buried myself inside her and wrought every ounce of pleasure from her body, fucked us both into oblivion and back, I’d be ready to move on and get back to work. Angel would be nothing more than a pleasant memory and I’d be much more relaxed.

And I almost believed that scenario. Almost.

Right up until I caught sight of Angel striding across the hotel lobby. My mouth went dry and my pants got tighter as her gorgeous legs carried her toward the restaurant. My gaze drank her in like a man dying of thirst in the desert. From her feet in a pair of patent heels, up her bare legs to the flirty hem of the green dress she wore. This dress was far more sedate than the one she wore last night, but was possibly more alluring in its own way. It didn’t show off all of her in a single glance, but rather skimmed over her body, only hinting at the luscious curves it hid. The neckline was the only spot that gave a nod to the brash siren I’d met last night, dipping a little deeper than one would expect from the modesty of the rest of it and showing off a hint of her temptingly plump breasts.

As I raised my gaze to take in the hair that framed her pretty face with its pert nose and wide eyes, she caught sight of me, her gaze meshing with mine. Her stride faltered for a brief second and her lips parted slightly as hunger flashed across her face.

I couldn’t help the small grin that tipped up the corners of my mouth. I’d put that look there. The memory of what I’d done to her last night obviously lingered and had her picking up her pace in her hurry to get to me for some more.

I didn’t stop to examine the deep-seated feeling of satisfaction that took root inside me at the thought that I was theonlyman to give her that look, to ignite that craving within her. Nor did I question the quick flash of possessiveness that burst in my chest as I watched the heads of other men turn to follow her progress.

“Mr. Caldera.” An unwelcome voice brought my head snapping around, breaking the connection between Angel and myself. Displeasure snaked through me as I saw the maître d’ had stepped out of the restaurant to move toward me.

“Yes?” I snapped coldly.

The man’s steps faltered, but he quickly regained composure and squared his shoulders. “Will you be dining with us, Sir? The chef has several additions to the holiday menu that we’d love to have your opinion on.”

Annoyance flickered through me, and I cast a glance over my shoulder to see Angel had paused next to one of the marble columns in the middle of the lobby. Her teeth worried her bottom lip and she shifted her weight with uncertainty.

I tamped down the quick flash of anger I felt at the man responsible for causing my Angel even a brief moment of insecurity because as I looked back at the maître d’, my gaze encountered numerous hotel guests, hotel staff, and even one of my executives around the lobby.

I might want nothing more than an hour alone with my Angel and the freedom to do anything I wanted to her body, but I wasn’t some anonymous man. Not in this hotel. And not anywhere these days since my company had grown beyond my wildest dreams. Business magazines regularly featured articles about my success and news rags loved to make up dramas in my personal life to share with their gossip-loving readers. I might create a safe zone for our guests, but it seemed I am all but fair game these days. Small-town living doesn’t mean a thing when it involved a multi-billion-dollar hotel.

The reminder of who I was stopped me cold. I held up a finger toward Angel and turned back to the man, assuming my mask of professionalism. “I have another engagement today, I’m afraid. But call up to my assistant and make an appointment for a tasting this week. I’m very interested to see what holiday delicacies our guests will be experiencing in the coming weeks.”

His face brightened. “Thank you, Sir.” The man turned back to his restaurant, leaving me contemplating what to do about Angel. Things had aligned perfectly so that I managed to catch moments alone with her in my personal elevator last night. But what I’d planned for this afternoon needed more space than a private elevator provided.

Plus, it was one thing to take a calculated risk for a one-time tryst in the elevator. I couldn’t be seen regularly entertaining Angel in there. Word would get out and the press would be hounding me. And worse, hounding Angel. Anger surged through me at the thought of her being harassed because of an association with me. The anger was further fueled by the idea of some sleazy paparazzo getting more information about her than I myself possessed.

But I hadn’t made it this far in business without the ability to think fast on my feet. My first impulse was to take her straight up to my penthouse. The thought of her limbs sprawled against my thousand thread count sheets hardened my cock to the point of near-pain. But despite the temptation, I remembered my hard and fast rule when it came to the women I engaged with in casual relationships—no bringing them to my personal space. It implied an intimacy that would only lead to false hopes.
