Page 11 of Wynter's Coming

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But I did have a room I kept special for visiting family or friends. It was kept clean and ready at all times since my family liked to drop in unannounced.

My mind settled the moment I had a plan and I turned decisively toward Angel while I slid a keycard from the wallet tucked discreetly inside my breast pocket. When I reached her, I pressed the card to her palm, permitting myself just the barest brush of my thumb against her wrist and a quick inhale that filled my head with her delicate, sweet scent.

“Check your phone,” I murmured without missing a step as I continued past her and toward the elevator bank along the back wall.

I waited only moments before an elevator opened in front of me. I stepped inside and pressed the button for the third floor. As the doors slid shut, I allowed myself the brief indulgence of a glance back at her and I chuckled internally as confusion, annoyance, and desire skittered across her face.

Wasting no time as the elevator started moving, I pulled my phone out and texted her:

Angel, Go to Room 308. Let yourself in and wait for me. I expect to find you on your knees when I get there. You promised me something last night, but I don’t have much time. And I fully expect you to leave the hotel with the taste of my cum on your tongue within the hour. Scrooge.

Chapter Six


Forbidden wet heat settled between my legs. The hotel room Mateo gave me the key to sat in a corner of the massive mansion-like castle with two large windows covered with thick expensive floor-length curtains the color of midnight if there were a full moon. Gray with a tinge of royal blue. They were beautiful and silky smooth to the touch. And expensive no doubt.

I pushed them open to admire all the glittered specs of sunlight bouncing off the pristine white snow. Several guests were off to the side building snowmen while others were in the watchtowers looking out over the town with high powered binoculars. North Pole was magical at Christmas time. All year round, really. And this was turning out to be the best holiday season ever.

I left the curtains open and checked out the rest of the room. The centerpiece was a giant king-sized bed. A dozen red roses sat in a crystal vase on the desk with three red candles sitting in amongst fresh garland. Pine and cinnamon scents filled the room making it feel like Christmas had finally arrived. As I inhaled the soothing scents, I caught sight of myself in the mirror over the massive mahogany desk.

My new appearance still caused a double-take. I did look like a new woman. The green dress, the black patent heels and the siren red lipstick were not what a junior accountant at the Luna wore. This was what Mateo’s Angel wore to a sexy hotel hook-up. The prospect of which left me excited, nervous and after the elevator last night, my panties were already damp anticipating this afternoon. I debated taking them off, but I left them on for Mateo to discover. Something told me he’d want to do that himself.

Mateo hadn’t specified where he wanted me to wait. Kneeling in front of a bed sounded dull. Who knew how long he’d be? Mateo was an important man. I debated ignoring his order just to see what he’d do if he found me naked in the bed or waiting in the giant soaking tub.

Truth was, I didn’t want to disappoint him. I wanted to obey him. The thought of it turned me on more than I thought possible. Maybe that’s why I remained a virgin for so long. I was waiting for Mateo to take me in hand.

I turned down the lights in the room to a sexy glow of warm golden light. I set my purse next to the roses. I slipped out of my dress, staying in nothing but my panties, and then knelt before the windows. I was mesmerized by the lightly falling snow when the door lock released.

I half turned, biting my lower lip. I’d seen how that caught his attention before.

“Angel, what are you doing?” He entered the room slowly.

“I’m on my knees waiting for you. Ready for you to make use of my mouth. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

Mateo crossed the room in three quick strides, jerking the curtain closed. “With the curtains wide open so anyone with binoculars can see what’s mine, Angel?”

His nostril flared and I didn’t miss the growl of disapproval. I bit down on my bottom lip once more as a tingle of pleasure skittered through me.Mateo was jealous.

Oh my God.I let that thought roll around in my brain while I reached out to his belt. I tipped my head back, mirroring the pose he’d had when he was in front of me on his knees last night. Only last night, even when he was on his knees, I’d felt like he’d controlled everything. And again now as I peeked up at him from beneath my lashes, I felt like I was his to command.

His face was a tense mask, not giving me one hint of what he was thinking. I pulled in a shuddering breath and continued to do as I promised.

“Take my cock out, Angel. I want your hands on me.”

My shaking fingers fumbled a bit with his belt buckle, but I managed to open it and undo the button on his pants. His cock throbbed against the zipper and I inhaled deeply, at once both nervous and excited about getting my hands on him. I kept my eyes on his as I tentatively, carefully eased his zipper down. And then his pants were open. I dropped my eyes from his as I eased his boxers down, freeing him so that the hard, hot length of him jutted out.

Mateo was huge. I lifted my trembling hands and wrapped them around him, eliciting a guttural groan from him.

A small smile touched my lips at the sound of his obvious pleasure, but even with the proof he was enjoying my touch, I couldn’t stop the shaking in my hands.

Mateo covered them with this own. “Angel, are you all right?” His voice was gentle but his body was still tense.

“Just a little nervous.” I glanced up at him and whispered, “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“You’re my Angel. Nothing you do could ever disappoint me. I just don’t like the thought of horny bastards getting off on you.”

“Besides you?”
