Page 74 of Savage Justice

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In the past I would have cowered had someone shoved me into a wall and used their size to intimidate me. If anything this whole experience has taught me, size doesn’t matter. It’s the size of the fight in the person that gets measured.

I grab his nut sack and squeeze. “You better come at me with more than words if you want me to take you seriously. You think you’re the first man to try and use their cock to control me?” I laugh in his face.

He inhales sharply through his nose but doesn’t back down.

I squeeze a little more and that gets his attention. He peers down the bridge of his nose at me but his arms against my chest aren’t as retraining. “Come at me again with all your testosterone and I’ll make you a eunuch and use Ares’ blade to do it.” I mentally reach for my blade, but I don’t feel it tucked into my back pocket. It must have slipped out in the van.

I shove at him and at first he doesn’t back away. I know he could crush me like a ladybug between his fingers but he stares down at me for a span of time I know we can’t afford to waste. I can’t be certain but I think there’s respect in the way he considers me.

He eases off me and I slide down the wall until my feet touch the floor.

His lips nearly touch mine. “Grab my balls like that again, sweet bird, and Ares might have to fight me for you.”

Did he consider that foreplay? My mouth hangs slightly agape. And I’m the crazy one?

“You can’t stay here. The brothers are on their way down. The second I open this door you will haul ass to the tree line. Take these. I have my bike stashed at a barn half a mile up the road. Beat feet to ground and you can make it in ten minutes.”

He shoves a set of keys into my hands and takes his gun back.

“There are three guards positioned on the roof. You better hope like hell they are on a coffee break.”

“Dragon, no. Can’t I—”

I don’t have a chance to argue or plead or tell him I have not a freaking clue on how to ride a bike.

Sunlight pierces my eyes and I am shoved out the door.

“Run, damn it, and don’t look back, sweet bird. The wolves will swallow you whole.”

I get about ten paces before I dare a look behind me. The door is already closed. I dash back and try the handle but Dragon knows better and it’s locked this time.

“Damn it!” I snarl, turn and book it to the massive tree line on the east side of the property. Twenty yards out my luck dies.

Dirt and pine needles fly as bullets pelt the ground at my feet. Snarling dogs close in.


Not today, Satan!I pick up speed, but the tree line and its safety are too far away. I know I’ll never make it. Wet grass underfoot causes me to slip. I slap at the ground and push up but I’ve lost my momentum.

I’ll never make it. To my right, I spot another door. The cellar. I shift directions and aim for another side entrance. If I can get back inside, I’ll find a place to hide. From there I can call the authorities. Ares.

Guns go off. Bits of dirt and grass fly.

I swing open the sides of the cellar door and run into a fist the size of a brick.



Beast One, the mammoth douche, looms over me rocking from side to side like he wants to try out his Rocky Balboa moves on my face. He just needs me to peel myself off the ground first.

Hard pass!

The scent of copper hits me just before I taste the trickle of blood oozing from the corner of my mouth. A couple of inches left and my nose would be broken. The blow to my head rattles my vision and for a second I have a hard time focusing on anything but the grass I’m about to puke all over.

“I thought I smelled you.”

He draws in a deep gust of air through his nostrils. “Da. Fallen angel with all that white hair. I’m going to teach you to be my submissive.”

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