Page 77 of Savage Justice

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“Ares?” I admit I can’t see too much through my left eye. It’s swollen and feels three times its normal size. But those eyes forged in steel have me taking a double look.

If the Volkov brothers looked loaded this man drips wealth and power. The newcomer approaches me. I try to stand but Beast One shoves me to my knees painfully.

“Animals on the floor.”

I shake his hand off but it comes right back on to hold me in place. My ponytail slips, spilling hair to tumble over my shoulder. Ares’ lookalike narrows in on it and fingers the fine strands between his forefinger and thumb. Shivers of fear trickle down my spine.

“Direct line to my brother, Ares?” He points the barrel of the gun in his right at the phone tucked beneath my leg. I guess it wasn’t as hidden as I thought after all.

My brain trips over his words. What the heck did he just say?

My brows scrunch. I reject his words. “Who?” There’s no way I heard him right. But my heart syncs with my eyes and says he’s telling the truth. The freaking low-life, mafia, piece of lying crap. Ares, not his brother. My fingers turn to ice and there’s no ignoring thetink tink tinksound of my shattered heart hitting the floor. Why did I think he would be different? I didn’t want to know how he made his money. I didn’t want to think he truly bought me to actuallybuyme.

This was all one screwed-up game for him. To what end? Have a little fun with other people’s lives? Why did he have me drain the Volkovs’ accounts? Is this some sibling rivalry?

Familiar eyes drill into me. Not familiar, I correct myself. Similar is all. This is not Ares. But the man I nearly gave my stupid heart to sure the hell has some explaining to do.

No, scratch that.

Oizys picks up the phone I’d hoped was concealed enough and holds the screen toward me. “We should call him. It’s been a couple of decades. Catch up on old times.” His smile shifts and he bares his teeth. He appears to be every bit of a rabid animal.

I force my mouth to work. “No, thanks.”

The smile turns humorless. “Nobody told the little bought fuck toy she’s screwing bratva blood?” He considers me. “Everyone thinks I’m the bad apple. But I’ve never lied. I tell you I’m going to kill you, I do,da. But not Ares. He lies to your pretty little face. Who should you trust?”

Right now. I kind of nod and go along with his little monologue here. His hands are moving the whole time he’s speaking. The gun in his hand waving around.

“Did you not know you were screwing the very family set to sell your sister?” He pauses and pierces my soul with his gaze. Shivers rake through from the scathing invasion.

“I love a good family row. Ares and me. We’ve had our differences for a while now. He blames our father for his whore mother’s death.”

Beast One shoves me forward and I land on my hands. “Good little bitch,” Oizys murmurs in my ear. I can only imagine how I want to spit and claw at his face. My muscles tremble from the effort it takes to hold myself back.

He taps the end of my nose and I see red.

“You know you two are perfect for each other. Betraying your family is in your nature. I’m going to love taking you from him. You can be the bitch who sucks me clean after I fuck your sister.”

He nods like he’s convinced himself the crazy vulgar shit going on in his head is true.

“Da, the little black-haired raven. Your sister. I was going to sell her but after seeing her be such a good little submissive in training I can’t deny how exquisite she will be.” His growl of appreciation makes me sick to my stomach. “But her hymen and virgin blood will bring in some pretty money along with all the others. Something to think about on the long flight home.”

My mind rushes over what he’s saying. “Take me instead,” I plead. “I’ll do anything you want.”

He scoffs, the sound disturbingly close to the one Ares’ makes when he disagrees with me. Which is often.

Oizys’ expression turns dark, amused. “Foolish girl, I already have you. And her.”

The asshole snaps his fingers and my sister is brought in. Her head is tilted downward, her hair a shield over her face. “Speaking of.”

She lands at my feet with a hard thud.

Pain laces through my chest at her frail body being manhandled. “Polaris.” I try to help her up, but Beast One has his hands wound around my hair. He jerks and a sharp pain over my scalp brings me to a sudden, painful halt. I elbow him in the nuts and he falls to his knees beside me cupping his dick.

“How does the floor feel?” I hit again only this time my elbow connects with his nose. I hear a crunch. Like paper in a fist. Blood runs down his face and it is a piece of art. I hit him again and love the satisfaction of seeing him hit the floor. The bigger they are, the harder they tumble in a pile of weeping shit.

Douche face snaps again and this time Dragon is the one holding me back from giving Beast One another reason to scream.

“Knock her the fuck out,” Beast One roars, rolling on the floor. “I’m going to kill you in front of Ares, bitch!”
