Page 78 of Savage Justice

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Over his writhing body, I see a quiet Ivan silently shuffling his brother’s body out the door.

The sound of his name shoots pain through me. I bear the coldness of his betrayal. I’ll use it as fuel. I should have listened to my gut. Something seemed off about him and I was right. He never wanted to talk about his past. Now I know why. Despite the outcome, I was right to come here. Right not to trust him.

But the troublesome voice in my head speaks up. What if I’m pregnant with the monster’s child. I force away the thought and focus on what I can control now. Saving my sister and me.

Dragon flips Beast One off. “I don’t take pleasure in beating women unless my dick is in them and it’s their ass I’m spanking.” His lips are in a fine white line. He’s working hard to control his face but I can tell he had no idea about Ares either. At least I’m not alone in my feelings of betrayal. Ares will have more than his brother to deal with at some point.

“It’s good to have boundaries.” Oizys checks the cartridge of his Glock and locks it back into place with a snap which makes his offhand comment urge me to want to laugh in his face. I can’t imagine this man knows the meaning of boundaries.

“Did you come in here thinking you would what? Save your sister?” His laugh grates over my raw nerves. The bite of the floorboards into my knees centers me.

His nostrils flare as he speaks. His teeth clenching and unclenching. Another trait he shares with his brother.

“Foolish girl. Did you ever stop and think why you were taken off the street? He’d been watching you for a few weeks. A little diversion left you alone long enough for me to grab you and your jewel of a little sister. You were my chink in his armor and you weakened him beautifully. I have waited a long time for this. I’ve been watching your lover, my brother, for months now. When he walked in here ready to buy you, be the hero…” his dark chuckle peels back the layers of his insanity and I have a front-row seat to the show.

He strokes a hand over my head like I’m some good pet which is just fine. As long as his attention is on me and not Polaris. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed back up here. I didn’t have to lift a finger. When I kill you in front of him it will be like reliving old times.”

His mother. Oh my God. What have I done?

He taps the barrel of his gun against my temple. “And here you are. Just as I planned, little birdie.”

Glass rattles and a pillar of smoke outside the windows shoots skyward. The roar of motors and the sound of guns going off brings a smile to Oizys’ face.

“And there my dear brother is. Right on queue.”



Anger brewing inside me has reached its limit. It’s a festering blister inside me and today I will put an end to at least one of the plagues leached onto my ass.

My brother.

Dark sensations of murder and bloodshed prickle over my skin. Knowing Nova is inside, possibly receiving the same treatment forces me to rein myself in. Taking control over the darkness pouring through my soul is nearly impossible. Before Nova, I would have had no problem slaughtering without mercy or cause. Just clearing a path to reach my objective. I’m happy to know at least now I am doing it to save a pure soul like hers. Maybe it will be enough to get me into heaven with her.

I press close to the property wall and bury eight bullets into the guards keeping me from Nova. As far as I am concerned every single person involved in hurting Nova earned their body bags. What are a few more souls on my docket, anyway?

Bullets spray the wall above my head and I crouch, aim for the roof and sink one between the eyes of a sniper perched above. The Volkovs have a nice setup; I’ll give them that. The last time I was here they had twice as many guards on the outside. They should have known better than to lower their defenses. I considered coming at them from behind, using the trees as cover but I can’t take the chance of booby traps or explosives.

Direct and straight for the throat is the only way I operate anyway. Let them see the hellraiser coming for them. My brother is expecting me. I don’t see the need to hide the fact.

Nova has no idea what she has walked in the middle of. The second Dragon tossed those pictures in front of me, my suspicions were confirmed.

I look at Rage and he gives me a stiff nod. We both have our guns up and together we clear a path to the cellar. Walking through the front door isn’t the smartest move. My brother will be expecting it because it’s what he would do. His ego has him believing he won’t be eating my lead by the end of the day.

He’s wrong. Since the time I understood the definition of evil, I knew my brother to be a carbon copy of our ruthless old man. I don’t feel an ounce of remorse for what I am about to do.

Smoke blocks us from view and I use it to my advantage. I signal for Rage to take the right and Riot the left. After discovering Nova missing I couldn’t afford to wait for the backup we had coming in. Reaper, the Genesis men, and the new patches…we’ll just have to throw up a prayer the devil doesn’t realize we’re dead before we get a chance to hit the stairs to heaven if this goes south.

Our one saving grace is Ghost rolling up on his ride as we peeled out of the compound. A couple of quick words and my distant cousin fell in beside us and we roared down the highway with me in the lead.

“Snayper,” he yells and we all flatten into the gravel. Bullets zing by and bury in the ground around us. Whoever is on the roof isn’t aiming, just popping off in our general direction since the smoke is too thick to pin us down.

Ghost hustles across the lawn, kneels out in the open. He aims and the sniper pinning us topples head over ass three stories down. A work of beauty to watch.

“Done,” he says matter-of-factly.

I haven’t laid eyes on this man in almost fifteen years. He’s a decade younger than me but he’s filled his years with experiences we both understand and share. We both took lives for money. I left that behind me while he lived it until about six months ago when he gave me a call asking if I had room for one more.

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