Page 129 of In League with Ivy

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“Chase…” I softened my voice. “What’s gotten into you?”

“What’s gotten into me? Holy shit, Ivy, I can’t believe that you’ve just been burned down below.” He cocked his head toward my groin.

“It didn’t hurt. They used a spray to numb it.”

Gritting his teeth, he leaned in and whispered, “I hope they didn’t damage anything.” His shy smile made me gulp back a laugh.

I stretched out my leg with the bandage. “No. I should be good to get back on that pole and bust some moves.”

“You’ll need to rest for a couple of weeks, won’t you? Like take it easy. Put your feet up. I can help if you like.”

Now he was being gorgeous, cute, and heart-meltingly naïve.

He studied my leg. “What happened there?”

“That’s where they burned it.”

“Huh?” He looked confused.

“What the fuck, Chase?” I stared at my baffled mother.

“They burned your leg while they were doing it?”

“Doing what?” I asked.

“You know…” He gritted his teeth again. “Removing it.”

“Yeah, well, that’s what they do.”

He scratched his head and looked at me as though lost at sea.

“What did you think I was doing?” I asked.

“I…” He stared at me then my mother. “I… look, can we talk in private?”

“I have nothing to hide from my mother,” I said.

Chase slumped into the chair. “Weren’t you pregnant?”

“What?” Now it was my turn to look like we’d just been invaded by axe-wielding Crown of Thorn fans. “Why would you think that?” Then it dawned on me. “Holy shit. And you thought I was here to have an abortion?”

He buried his face in his hands and nodded. My heart melted. I could see this had, understandably, hit him hard.

My eyes slid to my mother, who’d suddenly turned pale.

“Why would you think that?” I placed my hand over my mouth. “Holy crap. You really thought me capable of terminating our child?”

He sat up. “Our child?”

“Well, who else’s would it have been?”

“I thought it could have been Jack’s.”

“We didn’t go that far.”

“Oh really?” The frown on his handsome face remained deeply etched.

“Well, he seems to have problems in that area. And I wasn’t that into him…where did you get this idea of me being pregnant anyway?”

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