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‘But that’s the thing, Teddy. He’s not going to like me when he finds out the truth. Is he?’

‘If he doesn’t it’s his loss. If he’s the one for you, he will at least let you explain and no one could argue with your reasons why, surely?’

‘You didn’t see his expression. Like he was disgusted by this spoilt little rich girl.’

‘You’redisgusted by it and youarethe spoilt little rich girl.’

‘You’ve got me there.’

‘How’s the library going? Are you going to get there?’

‘The first People Library experiment session was a huge success. I’d bet the library had never had so many bodies in it. We’re getting closer but still a couple of hundred off – which seems like so many, considering it’s already September. I have to hope the next three sessions bring enough new members. Even if it doesn’t, Teddy, it’s changing people already. Harry did such a good job of telling his story – there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. The human books, the ones who’ve been relegated to the sidelines for so long, have banded together and formed friendships. We caught up for canapés afterwards and my face hurt from laughing so hard. I’ve never felt like this before, free to be me,to follow my own path. It’s going to be awful if I do have to come home. Do you think there’s any way Astor can survive without me?’

‘I’m not sure, Elodie. I’m just not. Mother is emphatic that the media can only be handled by one of us, and she’s still not keen on that being me. I’ll do for now, but long term she wants you.’ He lets out a frustrated growl. ‘It’s ludicrous. I’ve tried everything I can to convince her. Even Dad has tried. She’s adamant that you’re the only face that people trust. Selfishly, I’d love you back too. Together, we could start shaping Astor into the company we’ve always wanted it to be, couldn’t we? We could do big things, but I need your help. You think you’re just a figurehead, but it’s obvious now just how pivotal your role is here.’

‘But what if I don’t want that, Teddy?’

‘I know, I know, that’s why I said I feel selfish. I wish there was a way you could do both, but I don’t suppose there is. And things with Dad are a worry. He says he’s fine but David has told me he’s been back at the cardiologist’s office every few days.’

‘What’s that about?’

‘Dad says they’re just monitoring it. But who knows for sure?’

I sigh. I’ve got a lot to lose if I leave Willow Grove. But how can I leave my family in the lurch when they need me too? ‘I shouldn’t have started things with Finn. As much as his comments upset me tonight, he’s a great guy with a good heart. Now I’ve gone and messed it up by lying about myself.’

‘Aww, Elodie, you’ve only lied about your name …’

‘It’s more than that though isn’t it?’ I don’t want to think about it and what it means for me right now; my head is spinning as it is. ‘Aside from Mum, how’s things at Astor? Dad said you’ve taken on some extra projects.’

‘Elodie, it’s my dream job. Every day, I ease myself in a little more. I’m building relationships with the executive team, trying to prove to them I’m there for the right reasons this time and I’m reliable. A lot of them have opened up to me and shared what they’d like to see happen at Astor, how we can improve workplace culture – we’ve got a great team if only we could manage them ourselves. They’ve got so many amazing ideas but no one is brave enough to speak up in front of Mother because of the risk of being shot down. I see us here together, Elodie, making these big changes, and making Astor a place people enjoying work at again. After much wrangling, I’ve taken over the book bar expansion projects, working alongside Marco. It’s enormous fun planning a five-storey bookshop and matching the levels with cocktails, spirits, wine, beers and bubbles. You’d have got a kick out of our meeting.’

It’s so good to hear his passion for the job and the changes he wants to make for the staff. Maybe, together, we can achieve what we set out to. But it’s not Willow Grove and my heart lies here.

‘I’m proud of you, Teddy. Keep doing what you’re doing.’

‘Will do. Let me know when you’ve got the membership numbers.’

I exhale. ‘Yep.’

Monday rolls around fast. Probably because I spent most of the weekend alone in bed reading. Finn was busy visiting one of his sisters and things are still a bit strange between us. It’s like he’s taken a step back. It’s so subtle I don’t know whether I should mention it or not.I figure I’ll leave things be for now, and gauge how he is when I see him at the library today.

It’s Alfie’s turn as a human book and my nerves make my belly swoop each time I think of the little guy under the spotlight. I shoot up a message to the universe and ask that today goes well for Alfie. I walk to the library, the scent of honeysuckles perfuming the air.

Alfie’s waiting out the front with Jo and Harry. I check my watch. They’re so early!

Harry is giving him a pep talk. ‘Just be yourself, little man. That’s all you have to do and you’ll charm them all.’

‘I’ll try my best, Harry.’ His face is grave.

‘You OK, Alfie?’ I ask as I fumble for the keys. ‘You’re quite early. You could have had a bit more of a lie-in.’

He gives me a robotic smile. It looks all wrong on his face. ‘I’m. Fine.’

I open the door and we go to my office. Harry calls out that he’s making tea and a hot chocolate for Alfie.

‘Sit down and let’s have a talk, yeah?’ I say and hunt for the biscuit tin. Sugar will surely help this situation. I hand it over to Alfie but he shakes his head no. ‘I’m. Fine. Elodie.’

‘Something tells me you’re a bit nervous, though, which is perfectly understandable.’

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