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I go to the kitchen and grab two champagne glasses and meet him on the sofa. We’ve skipped straight past the awkward getting to know you stage into being comfortable with each other in our PJs.Finn is my spirit animal in that we can spend a whole Sunday in bed reading and only leave when we’re in dire need for food. In my past albeit very brief relationships this was seen as laziness or some kind of reclusiveness when in fact I just love reading, dammit. So to have a guy who suggests a reading day as part of our schedule, well that’s the type of man who has marriage material written all over him. Sometimes, our kisses do distract us and one thing leads to another but that just makes the time more special.

‘Oh, I nearly forgot! I have a surprise for you!’ I go to the hall table and bring it back.

He opens the small package and throws his head back laughing. ‘A sword pen? I’ll treasure this for the rest of my life.’

‘Trust me, I know how mighty it is.’ I giggle.

The TV is on in the background as we chat about the week just gone.

I make popcorn and we settle down with our fancy champagne and cheap microwave food. All the important food groups covered for a Friday night anyway. Draping my feet over Finn’s lap I relax back and sink into some mindless TV.

The nightly news comes on as I go to ask Finn what movie we should stream when my mother’s face flashes up on screen. I choke on my popcorn and try and cover it with a cough.

‘You OK?’

I nod and gulp my champagne to get the kernels down.What is she doing?

The reporter, one of Astor’s own, asks my mother about the future of Astor News and Media, and she replies, ‘Our daughter Ellie is preparing to take over the company. It’s all she’s ever wanted.She’ll be one of the youngest CEOs of a billion-dollar business. Ellie’s been dreaming of this day since she was a toddler. She was bred for it.’ What!What is she doing?So much for allowing me to follow my dreams …

‘God,’ Finn says, shaking his head. ‘She makes her sound like a racehorse.Bred for it.’

‘Mmm,’ is all I manage. Is this a ploy by my mother to get my attention and inspire me to come home?

Finn grunts in disgust every time my mother speaks about me. The story drags on and on with Mother assuring the reporter things are going to expand under my tenure. Just what is she playing at?

‘Maybe she’s just a proud mother,’ I say not wanting Finn to do any digging into the Astor family. His eyes are glued to the screen as if he’s fascinated by it all, no matter how much he seems to disagree with what she says. ‘Let’s pick that movie,’ I say and try and prise the remote from Finn’s hand. He doesn’t notice and instead uses it to gesticulate wildly.

‘I hate to sound bitter, but I hate this kind of thing.’

‘Oh, hate what exactly?’ I raise a brow.

‘Here’s your classic case of a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth. This Ellie person has probably never had to work a proper day in her life; she’s just a figurehead there. She’ll have had every advantage her privilege provides and just like that, she’s going to be promoted to CEO of a billion-dollar company? It’s so hard to break into that cut-throat world of media and here’s a princess who’s got it all at her fingertips. It’s wildly unfair.’

If only he knew!It’s hard not to bristle at the sentiment but I can’t exactly stick up for myself either. Finn has no inkling of what the so-called princess life is truly like.How that woman’s world is anything but glamorous! All the advantages I’ve had mean absolutely zero to me. Less than zero. It pains me to hear him be so judgemental. It doesn’t seem like the Finn I know.

‘Before you judge her, Finn, think of the People Library …’What do you see when you look at me?‘I bet her life is nothing like you think.’

He cocks his head. ‘Maybe.’ His voice is clipped. Why does this irk him so? I bet it has something to do with his background and upbringing. He can’t see any struggle other than his own.Mostpeople would look at the life of Ellie Astor and be envious – butthatEllie is a puppet on a string.

The air in the room grows heavy with unsaid words and I have the first suspicion that our different backgrounds have the ability to come between us, if the truth doesn’t first. Now I know how he’d feel if I tell him I’m Ellie Astor! Tell him I’m the privileged princess who has never had to work a day in her life …

We can’t seem to find a way back to each other for the rest of the evening and Finn soon makes his excuses to leave. I don’t want the night to end on a strange note but I’m out of sorts seeing my mother on TV and wondering what it means for me. I’m desperate to call Teddy.

I kiss Finn goodnight and shut the door, with a heavy heart, and go to find my mobile.

‘You saw it?’ Teddy says forgoing a hello.

‘I did. Finn was here too and made some pretty quick judgements about how I’ve been handed it all on a platter.’

‘You’re kidding? Though I suppose most people outside of Astor have no idea what it’s really like, what our life entails. How’d you manage to bite your tongue?’

‘It wasn’t easy. But whatcouldI say?’

‘Nothing without giving the game up. And you know Mum’s only going to continue sharing the good news about Ellie Astor, young, bright female CEO taking over this magnificent company because she was born for this role.’

‘Finn said she spoke about me like I was a racehorse.’

Teddy lets out a barrel of laughter. ‘I like this guy more and more. It does sound like that. Like you’ve been bred specifically to bethe face of Astor.’
