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I opened my mouth to respond. I didn’t want to embarrass Drew by letting her imagine some relationship between us, but he spoke first. He wrapped and arm around my waist. “Actually, I’m the lucky one. It’s so nice having someone tospoil.”

I blinked at him a few times. “Well, I really appreciate it.” I meant it too. I would be lost in here without him. He’d found a dress, shoes, and a purse in the time it would’ve taken me to gather the courage to enter thestore.

“I want some black pearl jewelry to go with this. There’s something about pearls and lace.” Drewgrinned.

“Oh, I agree,” the saleslady replied. “Sadly, we don’t have anything in stock at the moment.” She scrunched up her face before adding, “As I recall, Tiffany’s has that Elsa Peretti line. There’s not much selection in black, but I saw some pink ones that would look amazing with thedress.”

“Perfect. That’ll be our next stop,” Drew announced as he steered me toward the dressingroom.

My head was spinning. Givenchy? Tiffany’s?Who am I?For a second, I stood in the dressing room, curtain open, trying to remain calm while I marveled at the dress. “I suppose you expect to see this on me before you make the purchase,” Iteased.

“Actually, I’d really like that.” He gestured to the half-moon couch facing the curtain. “I’ll be right here.” Then Drew sat and crossed his legs before motioning for me to get moving. “Come on. This will be a new record if we like the first dress.” He frowned. “Wait, I didn’t even ask ifyouliked thedress.”

I studied it on the hanger, all black lace with a pink satin underlay. I’d never worn anything so pretty. I glanced at the tag and winced. “I’d better like it. This actually costs more than my last semester ofcollege.”

“Just change.” Drewgroaned.

“Oh, I’m changing. There won’t be anything left of me but my hair and makeup.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m surprised you don’t want to alter that,too.”

He stood and moved closer to me, then he ran his fingers through my ponytail. “Like silk,” Drew murmured. “And you have such amazing skin, you’d still be stunning fresh faced.” He swooped in, pressed his lips to my cheek, and I jumped. “Sorry. I…just sorry.” Then he backed up and resumed his position on the couch while he stared at hishands.

I couldn’t leave him like that. Not now, especially when he was about to face all his friends and his demons. In three steps, I was in front of him, and squatted so I could look up into his eyes. “You’re my best date ever. In fact, you’re pretty much my only date ever, but that’s a whole different story.” I giggled. “Thank you. In case I forget to tell you later, I had the best time.” I brushed his cheek with my lips as I stood. Then I sashayed to the dressing room, pausing momentarily to peek at his reaction. Drew wore a goofy look on his face. Flooded with relief, I closed the curtain and let the transformationbegin.



“Well, it’s all settled,”I announced as we slid into the back seat of the car. “I booked us a room at the hotel so we can get ready before the wedding.” My shoulders heaved as I tried to focus on the positive, like the beautiful woman beside me, instead of all the people I had to facesober.

“Great.” Talia smiled and sank into the seat as she stared out the window. She seemed blissfully atpeace.

Me, I was about to jump out of my skin. Forget about the fact that I looked good. Ignore my burgeoning bank accounts. I was about to confront my longtime friends who I’d mistreated for years. Sure, I put on a face for them, I pretended to be free of guilt, I tried to turn off my conscience, but the longer I was sober, the more I felt the pain of my actions. The longer I was away from rehab, the closer I was to my old life, the more I remembered about thepast.

“What are you thinking?” Talia askedquietly.

I licked my lips, unsure of where to begin. I didn’t want to ruin the mood with all this heavy talk before the big event. “Nothing.”

“Drew Morgan,” she began sternly, “don’t you dare start lying to me. We have a good thing going. Don’t wreck it.” Then she reached out and grabbed my hand. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s safe to talk to me. That’s what I’m herefor.”

I stared down at her hand on mine. I wanted to open up, to hold on, but I feared I wouldn’t be able to let go. She might not have money, but Talia was out of my league. Beautiful, together, driven, she’d never be interested in a guy like me. I’d learned to accept it long ago. “I get accused of wrecking things a lot,” I admitted sadly. “Wouldn’t be the first time.” I laughedweakly.

“It would be the first time with me.” Talia’s head tilted and she studied me in a way that made me squirm. “See, we have a clean slate. I’m your fresh start, the first person you get to hang out with who doesn’t know about your past. You can be who you always wanted to be withme.”

My heart raced at her assessment of the situation. She was right. Even though she knew Ty, even though he’d hired her, she was here for me. I didn’t have a past to overcome, a history to apologize for, a reputation to live down. “This scares the shit out of me.” I could feel my stomach knotting. This was the kind of thing I always used alcohol toavoid.

“I can tell.” She nodded as she squeezed my hand. “Your hand is sweaty. The color has nearly drained from your face, which is saying something considering you literally spent the last ninety days working on your tan.” Talia winked. “I don’t know you, but I know guys like you. You’re a hard case, Morgan. You wouldn’t easily bend and play the game foranyone.”

My eyes narrowed. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you almost admiredme.”

She smiled widely. “Oh, I do.” Turning to face me, she continued to explain. “See, I’m a people pleaser. My needs, my wants, my desires come secondary to everyone, and everything, else. I twist myself into a pretzel to avoid conflict. That is my biggestflaw.”

“Sounds like a pretty calm existence. Where’s the downside?” Ijoked.

“Look around. This, offering my services, is the first time I’ve truly done anything for myself. Hell, I’ve even chosen a career of service.” She shook her head. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being a giver, but it can turn into an emptyexistence.”

“How so? I bet everyone loves you.” My browsquirked.

“They do.” Talia shrugged. “They love me for what I do for them. I suppose this is a kind of reward, but the reality is I’m like a pitcher of water. I pour out and slake everyone’s thirst, and then there’s nothing left for me and I feel…empty. In order to keep giving, the pitcher must be refilled, but it usually isn’t.” Her cheeks colored at her admission. She smoothed her hair out of her face. “I guess I told you this because I admire yourassertiveness.”
