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I drop into the chair like a petulant teenager. “Do you have another lead?”

“I don’t want to talk about the case.”

In that case. I try to stand again but he growls at me, and my body – my stupid body – refuses to move. This is not a good sign. “What do you want to talk about then?”

“Me taking you out. Us.”

“There is no us.”

“Only because you won’t give me a chance.”

I lean forward and hiss at him. “I don’t need your pity.”

His eyes widen. “Who said anything about pity?”

“Why else would you be here asking me out?” And then before I can tell my mouth to shut the hell up, I continue. “You couldn’t run away from me fast enough in high school. What’s changed?”

“I told you. You don’t know the entire story about high school. I didn’t bully you. I protected you. I can prove it to you. Let me prove it to you.” He reaches forward and places his hand over mine. His thumb caresses my wrist and goosebumps explode across my skin.

“Give him a chance,” Sid shouts from the other side of the bar.

“How do you even know what he asked?”

Wally holds up a bionic ear listening device.

“Pops doesn’t like him.” I smirk. Best excuse ever.

“I only said I didn’t like him to push you together,” Pops explains to the entire bar because of course, the entire bar has quieted down in order for all the patrons to follow every single word being said. Oh good. I’m glad this isn’t embarrassing.

“Fat lot of good that did.”

Pops chuckles. “You are the most stubborn daughter in the universe.”

“Say yes,” Suzie shouts. The entire bar picks up the chant. Say yes! Say yes!

“Fine!” I yell and stand. “I will go out with you one time. But if you can’t prove you didn’t bully me in high school, I will sic my uncles on you.” I lift my chin at my uncles, and they nod in agreement.

“No one bullies our Hailey,” Lenny announces as he glares at Aiden.

“Oh good.” Aiden stands. “No pressure for our first date then.”

“First and only,” I shout at him.

“You can keep telling yourself that, Hails. But I know the truth.”

“One date!” I scream, but he’s already gone.

I stomp my foot and walk back to the booth where Suzie is clapping, and Phoebe looks like she’s ready to bolt. She’s on her own. I have a date with Jose. He’s a very good friend of mine. No salt or lime necessary.
