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Chapter 7

Beer is not a game. Beer is serious.

“What’s going on?” I ask when I walk into McGraw’s Pub on Saturday morning. “Why are we here this early? The pub’s not even open yet.”

“Early?” Lenny snorts. “You don’t know early, Doll.”

I’d roll my eyes, but since they’re not yet working properly, I don’t dare. I settle for mumbling whatever instead.

I look around and see there is a row of five chairs set up in the middle of the pub. In front of the row of chairs are two tables.

I notice Grayson standing near the bar and walk over to him. “Do you know what’s going on?”

“The uncles want Phoebe to decide who will walk her down the aisle today.”

Since Phoebe and Ryker got engaged, the uncles have been pushing her to choose one of them to walk her down the aisle. Her biological father won’t be given the honor. Phoebe has completely cut herself off from them after what they did, but that’s a long story for another day.

“Today? She hasn’t picked her wedding date yet. And how are they going to decide?” I ask as I watch the uncles and Pops push each other around. Geez. You’d think middle-aged men would behave. But no, they act like teenagers.

“We’re doing The Newlywed Game. And I’m your host for the morning,” Grayson explains.

Hailey and Aiden join us. “Why are you the host? I get why Ryker isn’t, but why didn’t they pick me?”

Grayson offers Aiden a bunch of cards. “You want to be the host? Have at it.”

Aiden holds up his hands. “I didn’t say I want to be the host. I want to know why I wasn’t asked is all.”

Hailey rolls her eyes. “Come on, Mr. Grumpy. Let’s grab some seats where we can watch the action.”

Phoebe and Ryker enter the bar and the uncles cheer. “’Bout time!”

Phoebe stumbles and nearly falls down the two steps at the entry. Ryker saves her. Of course, he does. Ryker’s job in life is to protect Phoebe after all. Barf.

“What’s going on?” she asks when she reaches us.

“Apparently, you’re choosing your wedding daddy today.”

“What?” she squeals. “We haven’t even picked a wedding date yet.”

“That’s what she said,” Grayson shouts and I high-five him.

“Come on, come on. Everyone take their places. I need to open in two hours for the lunch crowd.” Pop ushers us toward the seats.

“You do realize this here is the definition of bat shit crazy? And I have seen some bat shit crazy stuff in my day.”

Wally huffs. “Kid, you ain’t seen nothing.”

I roll my eyes but don’t bother to respond. Despite dealing with a crazed man who thinks aliens stole his sperm and a couple who use Hailey’s services as part of their sexy time games – to name but a few examples – I haven’t seen anything. Pfff. Yeah, right.

Grayson clears his throat to gain everyone’s attention. “Phoebe and Ryker, you sit there.” He points to the table in front of the line of chairs, which are now occupied by the uncles and Pops. I take a seat behind the uncles next to Hailey.

“I will read out a question.” He shakes the cards. “If one of you knows the answer, raise your hand. No shouting out the answer.”

I giggle. If he thinks the uncles are going to play by the rules, he’s a fool.

I raise my hand. “How will we know what the correct answer is? Phoebe found out about this event likefive minutes ago.”

Grayson hands Phoebe a pen and paper. “She’ll write down the answer after I read the question but before the uncles answer.”
