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Chapter 25

Beer: It helps make things not suck.


Iknow Suzie thinks we’re back to being just friends, but she’s dead wrong. And it’s my job to show her how wrong she is. I need to wear her down is all. After this weekend, she can’t deny how explosive our chemistry is. Besides, I’ve been thinking about what Mom said. She was right. Anyone willing to drive half a state to slay your demons for you is worth fighting for.

I may not be ready for the picket fence and the twenty children she wants to have, but I am ready to try for a relationship. I know I’ll regret it if I don’t, and I am done with having regrets.

With these thoughts whirling around in my mind, I open the door to McGraw’s Pub. I haven’t been here since two weeks ago when Liz showed up unexpectantly and I lost my mind. I know the uncles are ultra protective of Suzie. They probably weren’t very impressed by how I acted. I need to man up and apologize to them for yelling at her. I will show them my head’s screwed on straight now.

The uncles look up when I enter. Their eyes narrow and I know I’m right. I don’t waste time heading their way.

I don’t make them wait. “I’m sorry I yelled at Suzie the last time I was here.”

Wally uses his foot to push a chair out from under the table. “Sit.”

I bristle at the order, but I’m a soldier. I know how to take an order. I sit my ass down. I keep my mouth shut as I wait for them to begin.

“Is your head screwed on straight now?” Lenny demands.

“Yes, sir.”

“Just like that?” Barney doesn’t look like he believes me.

“I talked to Liz and my parents.” When they continue to stare at me, I confess. “And I’m seeing a counselor.”

“About damn time,” Sid remarks.

“Sorry?” What does he mean?

“Son,” Wally says and snags my attention. “Anyone with eyes can see you’re struggling. We know a bunch of old farts like ourselves can’t solve your problems, but a woman? A woman can soothe over those rough edges and make solving your problems worth your while.”

He tilts his head toward Suzie who’s sitting at a table with Phoebe and Hailey. She’s giggling, but she doesn’t fool me. I can see the strain around her eyes. She’s worried I’m going to tell everyone we’re in a relationship despite promising her I wouldn’t tell anyone. I don’t break my promises. Now, if people guess what’s happening? An entirely different matter in my book.

“Ah, you finally hit that,” Sid says when he notices me studying Suzie.

My nostrils flare as my anger blazes to life. “I didn’t hit anything. Suzie is a woman, not some whore I took home.”

Wally punches me in the arm. It isn’t some play punch either. He’s making it clear he can kick my ass if necessary. Message received. “He was testing you. Congratulations! You passed.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think life is some fucking joke you can take bets on?”

Pops arrives with a tray of drinks and slaps me on the back. “No, this is not a joke. But Suzie is one of our own. We need to make sure she ends up with someone who won’t hurt her.”

“Like the asshat Toby did?”

“She told you about Toby?” When I nod, Pops’ grins. “Good. She’s opening up to you.”

“Opening up? She slammed the door on any relationship between us besides friendship.”

Pops squeezes my shoulder. “Give it time. You’ll wear her down. Especially with us on your side.”

He hands out our drinks and returns to behind the bar. I sip my beer while I try to come up with a plan to ‘wear her down’. I’ve taken on insurgents, I won’t let a little slip of a woman defeat me. Unfortunately, the only plan I’ve come up with thus far is to be around her as much as possible.

I watch as Barney’s face turns red as he sucks on the straw in his coke. “You okay, man?”

He finally gives up and takes the straw out of the glass. He studies the bottom of the straw before throwing it on the table. I look closer. The end of the straw is sealed shut.
