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Chapter 32

Today I was a hero. I rescued some beer trapped in a bottle.

“Today was the Best. Day. Ever,” I say as I collapse onto the bed in our hotel room.

I am exhausted with a capital E, and my feet are killing me. Shitkicker boots is not the way to go if you’re walking around a conference center all day. And I think my brain is about to burst from all of the information I learned at today’s workshop. I thought I knew all there is to know about the different beer styles. I was wrong.

But do I care? Not even a tiny bit. I had way too much fun to care about silly things like my feet no longer being able to support my body and my brain exploding.

Grayson plops down on the bed next to me. “There is a lot more to brewing than I thought. And I am not looking forward to the microbiology workshop tomorrow. I am not into science. Give me a weapon, tell me the current wind speed and direction, and I can calculate the change in trajectory to hit my target, but biology and chemistry?” He shivers.

I pat his leg. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you cheat off me.”

His stomach growls, and I groan. “I guess we have to move because someone needs to be fed.”

“I can order a pizza. I saw a take-out menu on the desk.”

“Oh, thank goodness. I don’t think I can move.” My eyes are already closing. Just a small nap and I’ll be ready to go.

“Not even for a meat lover’s double cheese pizza?”

My eyes snap open and now it’s my stomach’s turn to growl. I guess I’m hungry, too. “Sounds perfect.”

Grayson stands and slaps my thigh. “Why don’t you get showered while I order the pizza?”

Get showered? Is he out of his mind? I am not moving. I’m perfectly happy to sleep in my own filth tonight.

I startle awake when a weight lands on my chest. My eyes snap open to find Grayson smirking from above me. “What?”

He doesn’t answer. Instead, his lips trace my neck as he nibbles and bites his way to my ear. “Too tired?”

Tired? Who’s tired? “For some reason, I’m not feeling tired anymore.”

“Are you sure?” He bites my earlobe and I moan. “I can get up and take my shower.”

I wrap my legs around his hips. “Don’t you dare move.”

He presses his pelvis into mine and I can feel how hard he is. My stomach dips and tingles erupt in all the right places.

“Don’t move at all?” His hand squeezes my breast and even through several layers of clothing, it feels incredible. “I shouldn’t do this, then?” He pinches my nipple and my back arches of its own accord.

His hand drops and I open my eyes to glare at him. “Why did you stop?”

He crawls backward before standing. “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”

I agree. Way too many clothes. “Race you,” I say as I jump to my feet.

I whip my sweatshirt over my head and rid myself of my bra. Then, I unsnap and unzip my jeans and push them down my legs together with my panties. Shit. My boots. I forgot all about them. Stupid boots. I try to kick them off without unlacing them to no avail. They are laced up tight. I move to sit on the bed, but I miss my mark and end up sliding down the side of the bed to end up flat on the floor on my naked ass.


Grayson chuckles. “Need some help, Munchkin?”

I raise my head, ready to give him a piece of my mind for laughing at me, but when I notice he’s stark naked with his cock hard and pointed in my direction, any response I had is completely forgotten.

I rise to my knees, the jeans wrapped around my ankles and the boots I was desperately trying to rid myself of mere moments before completely forgotten, and inch closer to his mouth-watering cock. I lick my lips.

Grayson groans. “Don’t look at me like that if you want me to last until I’m inside you.”
