Page 106 of Sexual Healing

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“I like it,” Lily said, drinking down most of the bottle.

“Save some for when we stop,” Lisa said, laughing.

“Let’s walk north. It’s darker up there. I feel like we’re teenagers,” Lily said. “Trying not to get caught.”

“When you’re ready to come out—”

“Honey, I can never come out. My parents would disown me. I don’t consider myself a lesbian anyway. I’m only this way with you.”

They reached the desolate public beach. The picnic tables were ten feet from the surf, close, but safe from the rising tide.

Lisa didn’t waste any time. Whispering in Lily’s ear, her hands over her breasts. “Take your pants off, Lil,” she said. “You know what I want to do.”

Shaking, Lily’s desire was over the top. Lisa was all about giving, and it was wonderful. Always Lisa taking care of Lily. She drank the last of the wine cooler and set it on the table, sticking her thumbs in the waistband of her sweatpants. She had trouble getting them off, trying to keep her balance. Lisa watched her, ready to do whatever she had to do.

“Do you want to lie on the table?”

“Alright,” she said, slurring her words. “That cooler made me so sleepy.”

“You can take a little nap while I have my way with you,” Lisa said, trying to get her up on the table.

“Let me lie on the ground for a minute,” she moaned. “I’m so sorry…”

“On the sand?”

“Yeah, I have to lie down.”

“Come down here with me,” she whispered.

Lisa helped her lie down on the cold sand about a foot away from the edge of the surf. Naked from the waist down, she curled up on her side and was out, snoring within seconds. Lisa dug around in Lily’s sweatpants pocket for the phone. They had agreed not to text each other except for that once, but the location could be a problem if it was on. She deleted the text. Then she went into the settings and took a deep breath when she saw that it had been disabled. She still wasn’t taking any chances. The phone was going out to sea, too. She did what she could to pry it apart using a rock, and then after smashing it into pieces, scooped up the bits and scattered them in the surf, throwing what was left of it as far out as she could. Hopefully, none of it would wind up in Pam’s sea glass collection.

Grabbing their wine cooler bottles off the table, Lisa squatted down at the edge of the surf, scrubbing all the fingerprints off with sand, rinsing them out in the salt water, and then stuck them in her pants. She’d take care of them at home. The precaution was just if the plan didn’t work.

She took a last look at Lily; she was still breathing. The tide was coming in fast and furious, lapping at Lily’s feet, but she didn’t move. Running up the dune to the tree line, Lisa hid there, waiting. If her plan worked, Lily’s body would go out to sea. If it didn’t and she woke up before that happened, Lisa would rescue her and go to plan B.

Waiting patiently, she looked at the sky, wishing she could tell time by the stars. She sat down with her back up against a tree and soon fell asleep, stress and parenthood taking a toll.

Breakers crashing on the beach woke her with a start. She hopped up and crept down to the edge of the trees, but couldn’t see Lily or her clothing. There was a chance she’d come to, dressed and ran home, but she would have called for Lisa, wouldn’t she?

Jamming the knit cap on her head, Lisa ran as fast as she could up the public beach access road and sprinted down to Sea View, crouching down, staying in the shadows. Soon she was at the cottage. The house was as she had left it, dark and silent. Inside, she closed the door, the lock tumbler clicking when she turned the bolt.

The wine cooler bottles went into the dishwasher, and she started the cycle. It wasn’t unusual for her to run the dishwasher at night, and she often saved plastic bottles for kids’ crafts. In the laundry room, she stripped down to her underpants and added the clothes to the washer to soak. Grabbing one of Ryan’s T-shirts, she pulled it over her body.

Slowly turning the knob to their bedroom door, she peeked in; nothing had changed since she’d left. He was lying on his back, softly snoring. Relief poured over her. Being in the same room with him began the process of recovery. Breathing slowing down, heart rate reducing, fear deescalating.

She climbed next to him and lay on her side, exhausted. Reaching out with a finger, she traced his jawline without touching his face. The magnitude of what she had done wouldn’t hit for a while. For now, she was safe; her family was safe, her husband in bed next to her. Ryan was the love of her life. Anything she had to do to keep him safe, she’d do.

The movement of the bed had awoken him, and he rolled over, facing her. With hands that had just murdered, she smoothed his face, with a mouth that had kissed another not an hour ago, she kissed Ryan. The only thing that would take away the anxiety, that would calm her down, was Ryan making love to her.

Working his hand under her body, he slid his arms around her, pulling her closer. His hand slipped down to her panties, fingers moving the damp fabric aside.

“Oh, you’re all ready for me,” he murmured.

“I’ve been thinking about you, Ryan,” she whispered. “Thinking how lucky I am to have you. I would do anything for you.”

Wiggling his finger up inside her, right where Lily’s had been not an hour ago, to ensure that she was in fact ready, she was all slick and velvety and ready to receive him. “Wow, you’re easy. I don’t have to do any of the prep work.”

“All I need right now is you.”

Pulling her panties down, he worked them over her hips, throwing them to the floor. Lisa encircled his shoulders with her arms so she could bury her face in his neck. One tear escaped, cruising down her cheek into her ear. Kneeing her legs apart, Ryan got on top of Lisa as she opened wide for him, wrapping her legs around his waist, needing him to do what he could to wash away the persistent dread of what she had done that night.

And it worked; he moved his way inside, inch by inch, whispering to her, telling her how much he needed her, how much he desired her. And slowly the effort paid off, she was in ecstasy, moving under him, forgetting what the tide might bring in tomorrow.

The End

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