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There was definitely a moment where I might have felt a little bit bad that he has to die because he’s caught between us and Julian, but once I realized he’s a piece of shit, I stopped caring.

Fuck this asshole. He deserves exactly what’s coming to him.

The guys keep digging into other aspects of Julian’s life, since this is just the first step in destroying him, but we try to focus the most on the first task to make sure it gets done right. We can’t afford to fuck it up this early in the game.

In addition to his shitty club, we find out that he’s got a rival on the streets of Detroit—someone he’s clashed with before, another drug dealer named Apollo Cabrera. They’ve been fighting over territory for years, having skirmishes here and there. There’s a lot of bad blood between them.

It’s perfect.

From there, our strategy comes together pretty smoothly, and just under a week after we first got the lead on Cyrus, it’s time to make our move.

The last bit of light is fading from the evening sky as I move around my room, getting ready for what we have planned.

I stub out my cigarette and close the window I cracked open, waving my hands to dry the polish on my nails that last little bit. They’re painted black in honor of the occasion tonight. It seems fitting.

Plus, the color goes with my outfit for the night.

Once the polish is fully dry, I get dressed quickly, pulling on the slinky top and tight black pants, then adding a long-sleeved black shirt on top of it. The finishing touch is twisting my long silver hair up on top of my head and putting it under a cap.

My door creaks open, and I turn my head to see Ash coming in.

His gaze lands on me immediately, and he looks me up and down and then back up again, letting his attention drag slowly over my body.

“Damn. You look hot,” he drawls with a grin.

I roll my eyes at him. “I did a second ago, but you missed that. Now I’m just covered in black.”

“You always look hot to me,” Ash says, waggling his eyebrows at me in an over the top fashion.

I just shake my head and go back to putting my shoes on. It’s classic Ash, flirty even when there’s nothing really flirt-worthy going on, but I like it. I always believe him when he says shit like that, which makes it better.

“You ready to go?” he asks me, his tone turning a bit more serious.

I nod and follow him downstairs to where the others are already gathered, geared up and ready. We’re all in head-to-toe black, dressed in tactical gear for this mission.

I can kind of see what Ash meant about it being hot when I see all four of them gathered together, ready for action. They all look sexy as fuck when they’re dressed to the nines in expensive suits and shit, but they look damn good like this too.

Moving as a unit, we pile into the car and make our way toward Cyrus’s club.

Priest drives this time, since Gage is busy in the passenger seat. He calls their hacker friend Harv and has him turn off the cameras in the parking garage under the club. This part of our plan has all been pre-arranged, even though there seems to be a little sass from the hacker that makes Gage roll his eyes and Ash snort with amusement.

Once we know for sure that the cameras are out, we drive into the garage.

“There’s his car,” Gage says, pointing to a sleek black car with a low profile parked in a special reserved spot. “Cyrus will be inside the club.”

“This is my time to shine,” Ash murmurs.

He tosses me a wink and slides out of our car once Priest parks. We get out to watch his back, but I mostly let the guys handle keeping an eye on things, while I keep an eye on Ash.

His skills with his hands come in useful here, and he pulls a little metal tool out of his pocket and crouches down by the driver’s side of the car.

It takes a few seconds of wiggling and squinting his eyes, but then the lock pops on the door, and he pulls it open. No one claps, but he sweeps a grand bow anyway, making me roll my eyes.

Still, I can’t help but smile. He’s skilled as hell at this, and that’s damn sexy.

Priest gives a satisfied nod and steps past him, moving in to do his part of this plan. He slides into the driver’s seat and fiddles with things for a bit, hot-wiring the car to get it to start.

“I could have done the hot-wiring,” Ash says, half talking to Priest and half talking to me. “But I didn’t want to outshine our boy Priest here. He has to have his part too.”

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