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I’m barely halfway down when I hear a chorus of happy barks that indicate the dog is back and pleased about it. I can definitely relate.

I head into the living room to greet him, and notice right away that he has a collar with a tag on. That’s definitely new, and I kneel down to check the tag. Before I can get a look at it, I’m greeted with nuzzles and some very determined attempts to lick my face that I barely manage to avoid because I don’t want dog drool all over me.

“Yeah, I’m happy to see you too,” I tell him, batting him away. “Calm down for a fucking second so I can check this.”

His tail wags so hard it thumps into the floor over and over again, and Gage laughs under his breath, standing there watching.

I glance up at him, but he’s not giving anything away on his face.

I finally manage to get the tag in hand and check the name. It says Harley.

“What’s this?” I ask, turning to look at Gage again.

He shrugs. “Since the dog is clearly a permanent fixture at this point, I figured it’s about damn time he had a real name. Knox and Ash taking turns calling him whatever weird or offensive shit they can come up with is probably fucking the poor mutt up.”

“Why Harley though?”

“You and Knox had that whole argument on the drive back about whether Harley Quinn or The Joker was a better name for the dog, so… I sided with you.”

My heart swells just hearing that. I like it a lot. Not just the name, but the reasoning behind it and why Gage got the collar and tag in the first place.

I get to my feet and go over so I can lean up and give Gage a kiss. Then, just for good measure, I give Harley a kiss too.

“Jesus,” Gage groans. “Just because he’s got a collar now, that doesn’t make his mouth sanitary.”

“What’s wrong with a few puppy kisses?” I ask innocently.

“He’s a dog. He licks his own ass and eats out of the trash can.”

I roll my eyes at his indignation about it. “You’ve literally licked Ash’s cum out of my pussy, and a dog licking my face grosses you out?”

We hear Ash howling with laughter as he comes into the living room just in time to hear that little gem. Apparently he didn’t know that, but it cracks him the fuck up.

“Whatever,” Gage grumbles. “That’s not the same, and you know it.”

“Why, because you actually liked the taste of my cum?” Ash teases, and Gage narrows his eyes at him like he might hit him with something.

“I’ve got news,” Priest says, walking in with his phone in hand.

That sobers us all up pretty quickly, and Knox comes in right behind him.

“What’s up?” the burly man asks.

“There’s a party happening in a few days. A big fancy one. An invite only kind of thing at Alec Beckham’s house. Julian will be there.”

“That’s the opportunity we’ve been looking for to put the next part of the plan into motion,” Gage murmurs.

“Do you guys have an invite to the party?” I ask them.

Knox shakes his head. “No, but this is the kind of party you get invited to by knowing the right people. And luckily, we do know a few of the right people. We can call in a favor or two and make it happen.”

My stomach flutters a little, and I let out a breath. One step closer to the end game. I glance at Knox, lifting an eyebrow at him.

“Are you sure you want to do this next part?”

He makes a face. “Fuck no. But if it’ll keep you from having to do it, then I will.”
