Page 80 of Beautiful Sinner

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“An interesting offer. Perhaps I can handle the undertaking, especially since neither the senator nor Vincheti seem interested in playing our game.”

This time, he ended the call, but I was satisfied with the outcome. Kostya had enough contacts he should be able to dig through the garbage, locating the informant. The money would be well spent if so.

Time to check the shipment.

After that?

It would be time to feast.

* * *

I’d spent far too long dealing with the recent purchase.

However, it had allowed me to make a decision, one that could backfire. I’d never been a man to shy away from risk, enjoying heightened levels of danger. Even though I remained annoyed at my father, he’d taught me something of value.

The best way to draw out an enemy was by leaving a trail of cookies. His term. Not mine.

Greed was a powerful motivator. Whether for money or power, there was always a threshold, a barrier that became far too tempting to avoid. If my instincts were right, opening the cookie bag was in my best interest.

“The connection is shit,” Roman hissed as he attempted to make the satellite contact for the third time.

“Keep trying,” I huffed, pacing the small office Roman had equipped with a central location to handle specialized communications and intelligence systems. From the twelve by fourteen location, he could potentially rule the world. It was a good thing I could trust him implicitly.

“Are you really doing this?” Sanchez asked, keeping his voice low enough the others weren’t able to hear him.

“You need to trust me, my friend.”

“Oh, I trust you. It’s the other asshole I’m worried about.”

“We’re planting seeds.”

His furrowed brow highlighted his confusion.

“You’ll see soon enough,” I snapped, trying to keep my thoughts from drifting to Giada. I had to ensure every scrap of information I received was accurate before I pulled the figurative trigger.

No matter how much I wanted to do so in person.

“Fuck it. There we go,” Roman snarled, moving away from the console.

I sat behind the computer system, keeping my expression bland. When the picture was finally in focus, I took a few seconds to study the man. Manuel Diez was much younger than I’d expected, maybe my age. He leaned forward, scanning the limited area that could be seen from his screen.

“SeñorKozlov. A pleasant surprise.”

“Unfortunately, I have other pressing business, so I’ll keep this short. I’ve accepted your terms, but I have one condition.”

I’d always been an excellent observer, tonight no exception. The man wore a smirk on his face.

“Of course. What can I do to sweeten the offer?” he asked, making certain his body language was relaxed.

“I will be bringing the items to your destination.”

At least he had the decency of acting surprised. He rubbed his finger across his chin before answering. “That is acceptable. When are you considering visiting my beautiful country?”

“Three days.”

He acted as if he was giving it additional thought, finally grinning as if he’d just won the lottery. “Perfect timing,SeñorKozlov. After business has been concluded, you will stay and share a fine feast. Yes?”

“Absolutely. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
