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Seth shrugs and grumbles something under his breath I don’t quite catch.

“Huh?” I ask while following him up the stairs. He turns into my room and I halt at the doorway, watching him throw his backpack down next to my desk before flopping onto my bed. His arms spread out on either side of him as if he’s being crucified and he stares up at the ceiling, his mouth gaping open while releasing a frustrated sigh.

“What’s wrong?” I ask while edging into the room. Was a customer rude to him? Did he have to train a particularly annoying Freshman? Did he get fired?

“Close the door.”

I kick the door close before stepping toward the bed, easing myself next to Seth. He glances in my direction, his tongue running along his bottom lip, making my cock twitch. I remember exactly how that tongue felt sliding inside my mouth, how it felt running along my collar bone, stroking the tip of my co—

“They made me manager.”

I blink at him, not quite processing the words because I’m still thinking about his tongue. After several minutes and lean toward him and say dumbly, “Really?”

Seth nods, his lips spreading into a lazy smile. “Can you believe it? After all these years.”

“That’s amazing! We should go out! Celebrate!”

My breath hitches when Seth grabs my collar and yanks me toward him. I topple onto his chest, my body lining up perfectly to his. My mouth hovers above his and my heart skips when his gaze drops to my lips.

“I can think of other ways to celebrate,” he whispers.

I don’t know how, but a whimper escapes me as I think of all the things I could do to him to help ‘celebrate’. My mouth lowers and I kiss him slowly, gently so as not to scare him away. He opens for me, his hand sliding up my neck to grip my hair, pulling me closer to him. I groan as I crawl on top of him, my hardening cock rubbing against his. He’s already primed and ready. His mouth tastes so sweet, his tongue fucking me to the point where I can no longer think. I love it when he’s like this, when we’re alone together and I have him all to myself. His hands run down the length of my back and I hiss when he cups my ass, grinding me against him. My hands stroke his face, caressing him, loving him and I find myself unable to stop touching him. All I want to do is live in this moment as long as I possibly can, because I don’t know when he will allow me to touch him like this again.

That’s when, of course, my phone vibrates. I ignore it. If it’s important, they will leave a voicemail. It’s probably Rachel calling wanting to know if we want any food brought home. Seth fidgets against me, his mouth sliding away from mine. The lust in his eyes is gone and his eyes flick toward the door, as if he’s waiting for Lucas or Hunter to come bursting in.

“You should get that,” he says, his voice breathy, his lips swollen from my kisses.

I’m about to tell him it doesn’t matter, I can get it later, but he’s already pushing me away. I sigh and roll off his body, cursing the person on the other line. “This better be good,” I grumble before answering. “Hi,” I say as happily as I can muster, “This is Alex.”

“Alex, it’s Susan Burnt from Puma.”

“Oh.” I push myself off the bed and run a hand through my hair, trying to fix it to the best of my abilities without a mirror. Susan is a PR manager of Puma. I’ve worked with her before, mostly when I lived in New York, but she was responsible for helping me and Seth get a modeling gig in Boulder. I haven’t spoken to her much since, due to my intense training for the Olympics. I thought she had forgotten all about me.

“Is this a good time?”

“Y-yeah.” I glance over my shoulder at Seth, finding him still sitting in my bed, looking at his phone. He looks bored, but everything about him seems tense, as if he’s nervous about something. “What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you would be available for an event we are doing in New York. A model just dropped out. Apparently, the flu is going around and it’s not pretty. We’ve had people dropping like flies left and right and this bug is nasty.”

“When do you need me?”

“The show starts September 14th.”

My eyes widen. “That soon?”

“We would fly you out. Your ticket and room would be all paid for. You would only need to pay for your food. But we need to know now. Please, tell me you can do this, Alex. You’re our only fucking hope.”

“Y-yeah, that sounds great.”

“Oh, thank fucking Jesus. You’re fine flying coach, right?”

I chuckle and run a hand through my hair. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I can’t believe this is actually happening. I’m going to New York in three days. I’m going to be modeling for Puma. This can’t be real.

“Alright, I will send you all the details later, okay, Alex? And thank you so much. You are really a life saver.”

“Yeah, no problem. See you soon!”

I hang up and whirl around. I’m so excited. It’s taking everything inside me to keep from jumping up and down. Susan Burnt called me of all people. Well, she probably called at least ten people before getting to my name, but still. This is huge. This is exactly what I needed. Who knows, maybe I can become the next big modeling sensation? At least for sportswear. Puma is not a bad brand to be working for.

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