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Lucas wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “More like you tried to make breakfast.”

“At least I was helpful,” Hunter snaps back. “What did you do all morning?”

“I made sure our Rachel didn’t wake up alone,” Lucas says matter-of-factly while sliding out of bed.

“Of really?” Hunter deadpans. “How is that being helpful?”

“It’s wonderful, Hunter,” I interject, stepping between them in the hopes to stop the fight. There’s been too much arguing in this house. I don’t think I can handle another go. “I’m very excited to eat it.”

Hunter beams at me while I sit down on the bed and take the platter into my lap. It doesn’t look so bad. I can work around the edges and orange juice is pretty much a fruit anyway. So what if it’s spilled onto the berries? I cut a small piece and inwardly shudder when I notice how mushy the pancake appears to be. It’s sucked up most of the orange juice.

I glance at Hunter, noticing he’s watching me, waiting for me to take a bite.

There’s no going back now.

“Good morning!” Alex shouts, bursting into the room and carrying two brown bags. “I’ve brought oatmeal pancakes!”

“Oh, thank God,” I whisper while dropping my fork.

“But I made pancakes,” Hunter says, his tone mopey while he watches Alex deposit the bags onto the bed.

“Yeah, but these are from Pancake House.” Alex smiles as he hands me a box and a wooden fork.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hunter asks while taking his box begrudgingly. He plops himself onto the edge of the bed near me while Lucas returns to his place on my pillows.

“It means these are better,” says Lucas while pouring a heaping amount of syrup all over his pancakes.

Hunter’s bottom lip juts out while he stabs a fork into his pancake. I stroke his arm, wanting to make him feel better. “It’s the thought that counts,” I say to him sweetly, yet that seems to only make things worse. His bottom lip only juts out further and he continues eating his pancakes in silence.

“Is Seth going to join us for breakfast?” I ask while pouring a bit of syrup on my food. Dr. Adams did tell me I should stick to a healthy diet. I doubt this would meet the requirements, but I still give myself a pat on the back for not pouring the entire cup of syrup all over my pancakes.

Alex shares a look with Lucas before stuffing a very large bite of food into his mouth. “No,” he mumbles while chewing.

“Why don’t we go shopping for baby things today?” Lucas asks brightly while patting my knee. “We could get you some nice maternity clothes. I’m sure it’s not comfortable for you to be in those old leggings all the time.”

“They’re fine,” I say, feeling a bit slighted. “They stretch.”

“But I’m sure they have nicer things for you to wear,” Lucas pauses when I narrow my eyes at him. That’s the last thing I want to hear right now. I think I look fine in the clothes I have. Besides, it’s not like we have a lot of money to go throwing at maternity clothes.

“Or, maybe we can go shopping for baby clothes,” Lucas says while pulling out his phone. “I’ve already made a list of things we’ll need. Have you done any shopping, yet, Rachel?”

“No,” I say begrudgingly before stuffing a large bite of pancake in my mouth.

Of course Lucas has a list. Sadly, I can’t really get in the baby shopping spirit when I have no clue where I stand with Seth. Did he or did he not come home last night?

“Well, we will definitely need to start shopping now,” Lucas says while flipping through, what I can only assume, is the list he’s made on his phone. He probably made it while he was cuddling with me, which only further aggravates me. “We will need to get a stroller, a car seat, bassinet, and a mountain of diapers. Unless, do you want to get those recyclable diapers?”

Lucas looks at me expectantly and all I can do is shrug and say, “I don’t know.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll figure that out soon. What about your prenatal care? Have you been going to all your appointments?”

“Yes,” I say angrily. “I never skip them.”

“Good,” Lucas says with a nod, still looking at his phone. “Since you were keeping this a secret for so long, I didn’t know if you were seeing any doctors or not.”

I sigh in frustration and give Alex and Hunter a look reading: if they do not make Lucas shut up, I will and it won’t be good.

Hunter forces a smile. “Man, this is so good,” he says while holding up his fork. “When did you order this, Alex?”
