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I roll my eyes. “I guess? All I know is that I woke up in his guest room. The last thing I remember is drinking at Jace’s party.”

“And you’re sure you two didn’t have sex?”

“Wouldn’t I be sore after that? You know I’ve never…”

He groans and throws his head back. “You can say it, Savannah. Had sex.”

I reach over and slap his arm as best I can from my spot on the floor. “Shut up. I’m not afraid to say it.” He gives me a teasing look, challenging me. “Ugh, fine. Sex. Happy? Sex. Sex. Sex.”

/> “Wow,” Mrs. Laurence says, capturing both our attention. “I’m not sure exactly what I walked into, but just ignore me.”

My face turns beet red as Brady falls onto his back from laughing so hard. She grabs her clipboard from counter and winks at me before leaving the room. Once she’s gone, I kick Brady in the leg.

“Shut up. It’s not funny.”

“It is.” He chuckles again. “It really, really is.”

After we finish stretching, he starts the music, and I get lost in the dance. Thoughts of Grayson pop up at times, like when hearing certain lyrics, but I do my best to push them down. He’s already planning on ruining my whole life and taking everything from me. I can’t give him the satisfaction of taking Juilliard, too.

BRADY DROPS ME OFF after the two of us have lunch. I’m just about to step inside when someone whistle behind me. Turning around, I see Knox walking toward me. Just what I need.

“What do you want, Vaughn?”

He holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m just surprised, that’s all. You really seem to get around lately.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Last night with Grayson, and today you’re with Brady. I mean, hey—I’m no one to judge you for sleeping around.”

“Wait.” I hold up a hand. “You saw me with Grayson last night?”

He nods. “Yeah, he pulled up in front of your house. I thought he was dropping you off but you never got out of the car before he drove away.” Why would he… “I’m just curious as to why he hired me to follow your little boyfriend when he could’ve just had you do it. Pretty fucked up of you to let your boyfriend get his ass kicked, though.”

“Grayson had you follow Brady?”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” He grins. “Yeah. Pretty boy gave me five grand to call him when Brady was alone.”

And just like that, it all becomes clear. That’s how Grayson knew to find Brady outside of the gay bar in the next town over.

I place my hands against his chest and shove him back. “Are you out of your fucking mind? You could have gotten Brady killed!”

He laughs, as if there is something comical about all this. “Chill, Princess. A few cuts and bruises will do the man some good. Besides, I’m sure his boyfriend took great care of him afterward.”

My stomach drops. “You knew.”

“Of course I knew. It wasn’t hard to figure out why he never came inside. You can’t play like you’re dating someone who acts like your brother.”

Taking a deep breath, I try to keep my cool. “What do you want?”

He licks his lips and looks me up and down, but before I lose my shit on him, he shakes his head. “I know you saw that deal a couple weeks ago. I just want to make sure you know to keep your pretty little mouth shut about it.”

“Haven’t said anything yet, have I?”

“Nope, and let’s keep it that way.”

“Whatever.” I open the door and slip inside, locking it behind me.

The sight of an empty bottle of Jack on the counter tells me my father’s been home since I left yesterday evening, but God only knows where he is now. Probably taking too many of the pills the doctor prescribed for his foot.
