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Taking in the sight of my house, he shrugs. “Maybe not, but your boyfriend does.”

“Brady isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Not him.” He shakes his head. “The angry one. Tall, broody, blond hair.”

Grayson. “He’s not my boyfriend either.”

His eyes rake over me one more time. “Well, I’d be happy to go back to my original proposition.”

Delaney pulls up, and I thank the heavens above, but as I go to move around him, he continues to block my way. I put a hand on his chest and push him back.

“Look, let me make myself very clear. I don’t have money for you, and I’m not a fucking prostitute.”

He steps forward, getting in my face. “Well, you better figure it out, princess. Wouldn’t want to lose your perfect reputation, now would you?”

With that and a wink that makes me feel sick to my stomach, he backs up. I get in Delaney’s car and welcome the warmth.

“Thank you so much. Brady is sick this morning,” I tell her.

She smiles, but eyes Trey suspiciously. “Is everything okay?”

I nod. “Yeah. He’s just the annoying little shit from next door.”

Ending the conversation, I reach over and turn up the volume on the radio. The two of us sing along obnoxiously, with dance moves and all. My voice cracks as I try to hit the high note, making Delaney cringe from the sound.

“Seriously, it’s a good thing you can dance. You’re no better at singing now than you were as a child,” she teases.

“Hey!” I pout. “I resent that.”

“Resent away, darling.” She pulls into the parking lot and the two of us get out. “All right. I’ll see you in first period.”

She goes to walk away, when I reach out and grab her wrist. “Wait. Come with me to my locker.”

“You mean with all your jock friends? I don’t know. They’re not exactly my crowd.”

“Okay, one, you don’t have a crowd—no offense. And two, you’ll be fine. I promise.”

I don’t give her a second to fight me on it as I loop my arms with her and walk into the school. Being as we’re a little late, everyone is already near my locker. It takes a little tug for me to get her to continue down the hallway, but she eventually sighs and gives in.

“Hey, Sav,” Jace greets me.

“Hi. Guys, this is Delaney. Laney, this is Carter, Jace, Wyatt, Hayden, and you already know Grayson.” I grumble the end of it, and then turn to the girls. “And that’s Emma, Paige, Becca, and Kinsley.”

Emma beams one of her friendly smiles at her. “You’re in our first period class, aren’t you?”

Delaney nods. “Yeah, though I don’t think we’ve ever talked, really.”

Carter, being the pig he is, smirks and looks her up and down. “I can’t understand why.”

“Haven’t you reached the limit for the number of girls you’ve fucked this school year? And it’s only November,” Grayson asks while laughing.

“My sex life has no limit, young Hayworth,” he quips.

Jace chuckles and fist bumps Carter, as if sleeping around with tons of women is something to be proud of. Meanwhile, Kinsley is standing as close as she can to Grayson with a sour look on her face.

“Well, as long as you don’t plan on putting her on the cheer team.” She crosses her arms like she has any say in the matter. “Our team is perfect as is.”

I stare her down in a way that tells her she doesn’t want to test me. “I can think of one change I’d like to make. Keep up that attitude, and she’ll be your replacement.”
