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“I thought something was up with you two at that party.”

Being as the damage is already done, I may as well get her thoughts. “Since the day he moved here, he’s been…different. He hates me with a fiery passion and wants to ruin my life. I’m not even making that up. He’s literally told me that.”

Tessa smiles, as if it’s funny to her, but with a look from Delaney, it dissipates. “Go on.”

“Well, on my birthday, we had sex. I thought it was just a one-time thing, and I really wasn’t sure what to think about it, but since then, we’ve fooled around a couple more times. He tells me I’m his, or more like demands it, but then he goes and flaunts Kinsley around like she’s God’s gift to men.”

She grimaces. “You mean that little psycho who told the whole school you raped her brother?”

“That’s the one.”

Delaney’s jaw drops. “Wait, what?”

Tessa waves her off dismissively. “Not the time, Laney. I told you, you live under a rock.” She turns her attention back toward me. “As far as I’m concerned, and as much as I love Grayson, it sounds like he needs a dose of his own medicine. Make him feel what i

t’s like to see the one you want with someone else.”

“You mean I make him jealous? Is that even possible?”

The corners of her mouth raise in a devilish smirk. “While you were drunk and dancing at that party, he didn’t take his eyes off you for a second. Trust me, it’s possible.”

I SPEND ALL OF second period ignoring the not-so-subtle looks from Grayson and thinking about what Tessa said. She’s right. I’ve noticed him get jealous a lot, especially when I pretended to consider giving Jace my virginity. He looked like he was ready to burst, and when he followed me to my locker after, we had our first kiss—the one that ruined me for everyone else.

“Where’s your friend?” Carter asks as soon as I reach our lunch table.

“You mean Delaney?” He nods.

Jace rolls his eyes. “Someone has a little crush.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Sorry, babes. There’s no chance of that ever happening. She’s practically a nun.”

Smirking, he shrugs one shoulder. “It’s always the innocent ones that turn out to be the biggest freaks.”

I cringe. “Okay, I so didn’t need to hear that.”

Grayson plops down next to me, a little too close for comfort. “Didn’t need to hear what?”

“Carter’s secret fantasies about the Callahan twins,” Jace informs him.

“Both of them?” I shriek.

The sound of Gray’s laugh pulls at my heartstrings. “Tessa would probably screw you for the hell of it, but you definitely don’t have a shot in hell with Delaney.”

“That’s what I said, before his dirty mind took it to places I never wanted to go.”

Carter pops a fry into his mouth with a smile. “A guy can dream.”

Kinsley comes and sits down, with Becca and Paige at her side. The three of them look like something out of Mean Girls, only less pretty. They all take out their juices, reminding me they’re on a “cleanse”—something they tried to get Emma and me to do with them, but we declined. Let one of them pass out during cheer due to lack of food and watch what happens.

“So, Savi,” Kinsley starts, and the nickname sends a wave of anger through me.

I narrow my eyes on her, my expression cold. “Don’t call me that.”

“Why not? Grayson does.” The look on her face tells me she knows exactly what she’s doing, and she’s doing it intentionally.

Faking a sweet smile, I rest my arms on the table. “Grayson has been calling me that since we were five, and while I don’t particularly like it, he gets a certain leeway. You, on the other hand…” I don’t need to finish for her to know what I’m insinuating.

“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes and tries to recover by focusing on something else. “Gray, are you still coming over today? My parents won’t be home until late.”
