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Practically choking on air, her eyes widen. “Uh, I um…”

“How about you give me one instead, big boy?” Grayson jumps to her rescue like a knight in shining armor.

Carter frowns, mumbling something about not being gay under his breath before walking away to go find more booze. I watch him carefully before turning to Jace.

“Shouldn’t you stop him?”

He grins and shakes his head. “We’ve been giving him colored water for the past hour and making him think they’re shots. He’ll sober up soon.”

HALFWAY THROUGH THE PARTY, I’m finally starting to relax. After the argument with my dad, and then having to deal with Trey on top of it, I’m grateful for the chance to let loose. Tomorrow I’m sure I’ll have to figure out what I’m going to do about the pain in my ass that won’t seem to go away, but tonight is mine.

I’m standing across the room when Grayson waves me over.

“Lay on the bar, beautiful,” he says, complimenting me in front of everyone for the first time. “We’re doing body shots.”

It’s dangerous and risky. I know if we have any desire to keep things private between us, I should run in the other direction, but with the way he’s looking at me, I can’t resist. I let him lift me onto the hardwood and lay back. He raises my shirt and tucks it under my bra. The level of comfort between us doesn’t go unnoticed as Jace spikes his full cup of beer on the floor.

“I fucking knew it!”

Carter laughs as Delaney looks at Jace like he’s gone mad. “Knew what?”

“That they’ve been hooking up!” He turns to us. “I called that shit months ago, but you two denied it so hard!”

Grayson makes no move to deny it, but the conversation of us going public with whatever this is needs to be had in private—with none of our friends inserting their opinions.

“Because I let him lift up my shirt? It’s body shots, not a damn marriage proposal.”

He remains unconvinced, but my attention is pulled from him as Grayson licks a stripe across my neck and sprinkles salt on it. Placing the lime between my lips, he pours the shot into my belly button—immediately slurping it back up. He licks the salt from my neck before taking the lime from my mouth. It’s hot, erotic, and has my every nerve ending on fire.

With his help, I hop down and turn to him. “All right, hotshot, my turn.”

He smirks as he pulls his shirt over his head and climbs onto the bar. “Do your worst.”

Never having done one before, I repeat his actions, and as I take the lime from his mouth, he looks shocked that I was daring enough to do it at all. Once everyone goes back to doing their own thing, and the attention is no longer on us, he brings his lips to my ear.

“That was so fucking hot.”

The sexual chemistry between us has always been explosive, but with alcohol, it’s worse. Before we end up all over each other in front of everyone, I grab Delaney and go to join Becca and Paige on the dance floor. As my body moves to the beat of the song, it reminds me that I need to get back in the studio. Brady has yet to return any of my calls, but the recital is only a week away. I didn’t want to ambush him into talking to me, but I will if I need to.

Suddenly, the music cuts out, and the sound of someone slow clapping echoes through the room. I turn around to see Trey walking toward me. My eyes widen, realizing the threat I made earlier may have been a stupid one.

“What are you doing?”

He smirks. “I’m applauding you for your academy level performance that has had everyone here fooled for years.”

“Trey,” I plead, but he clearly doesn’t care.

“What? You don’t want them to know?”

Jace comes into the room, wondering what happened to the music, when his eyes narrow on Trey. “What the hell is going on in here? I don’t remember inviting any North Haven trash.”

“Well, then you’d probably be keen to know one of your own is exactly that.”

Looking ready to punch this kid in the face, Jace shoves his shoulder. “Listen shit-brick, you better explain what the fuck you’re talking about and fast, before I have my security escort you out—and they tend to get a little rough.”

Trey turns to me. “Savannah? Do you want to tell them, or should I?”

I look to Gray, but he’s too busy glaring daggers into the side of Trey’s head. Quickly going over it in my mind, I have two options. I can either give in to his insane demands and potentially ruin things between Grayson and I, or I deny it and hope everyone believes me over him.
